The Death of a Humanity : Part 3

Adreanna's blue eyes wavered behind her red porcelain mask as she tried to get up from the ground. Cain helped her from behind, offering a hand for her to lean on.

Axel had gone limp in the air with the red lights still surrounding him. He must have passed out. There was no way he could have died just like that.

Adreanna tried to throw herself on Axel again with a little bit of force. She skidded off the ground and tried to jump as she got close to her brother.

Only to get held back by her father.

"Don't. It'll hurt you more." Cain sternly stated as he gripped Adreanna's shoulders and made her face the man.

The assassin frowned. The now messy black braided hair waved a little as she stared at her father's mask. "But he's hurting too." She retorted back.

Kiaran suddenly walked past the two at a quick speed. His messy black hair fought with the wind as he reached both of his hands to catch Axel, who began to fall down from the air.