Adreanna's Interlude : Part 3

"The pretty and ugly duo are here to kick yo ass~" Maera declared it loud as she slammed the office door open with a bomb in her hand.

Adreanna quickly tackled the guy below her when she dropped down from the vent and shot his head. The mission ended in a mere minute when Maera insanely blew up the entire office.

"Woo-hoo!" Maera shouted when she and Adreanna jumped off the building and shot a rope to another building's rooftop together.

They quickly dived onto another building's rooftop and parkoured around for a while. They stopped when it seemed like they were already far enough from the scene.

"That was fun." Maera chuckled and sat on the edge of the building, looking at the night view with relaxing eyes. Adreanna quickly followed her by sitting right beside the short girl.

They enjoyed their tiny moment for a while, letting the wind play with their hair as it wished. The short girl moved, glancing at her friend's porcelain mask and nudged the 16-year-old assassin.