Prison Break : Part 1

"Move." The guard shoved Kiaran into an interrogation room harshly. The teen barely reacted to his surroundings and staggered forward to the room as the door slammed close behind him.

The grey walls surrounded them as if they were there to suffocate whoever went inside. The intimidating lamp was attached to the ceiling, right above the table in the middle of the room.

With handcuffs on his wrists, Kiaran made his way to the chair that was facing the two-way mirror. He moved the chair back a little and took a seat, waiting just like he always did.

Then the door opened, revealing a familiar blond with his usual uniform. Some of his hair dropped down on his left eye, covering it slightly.

Valerian made his way to the chair across from Kiaran, eyeing how horrible his sworn enemy looked today. His black hair that was messy looked even messier. He couldn't even call it messy from how chaotic it looked.