The 'Flowerence' hospital

After reaching her apartment, Qin Rong dragged her exhausted body to sit on the couch. She massaged his forehead with her hands to relieve her headache..

She looked herself in the mirror of the living room and sighed after seeing the disheveled condition of her face and hair..

'Did that driver thought me as an alien after seeing my face? I am looking so scary!' she exclaimed..

She went straight to the bathroom and took off all her clothes. Preparing hot water for bath, she relaxed her body.

After taking bath for almost an hour, she came outside the bathroom wearing a white bathrobe..

She felt much better after taking a hot water bath and checked herself again in the mirror to see the condition of her face and realised that it's still a little swollen mainly her eyes..

After drying her shiny brown hairs, she put some decongestant eye-drops into her eyes to get rid of the redness..

After that, she opened the wardrobe of her bedroom where she kept all her clothes yesterday..

She chose to wear a black turtleneck t-shirt and black slacks leaving her curly hair loose to fall over her shoulders.

She felt a little hungry but realised an important problem..

Being frustrated at herself, she yelled, "Shit! I forgot to buy grocery items! Qin Rong, you big blockhead! What are you gonna eat now?!"

She skipped her lunch yesterday as she was sleeping at that time and had her dinner at restaurant.. She was not in a mood to have any breakfast this morning. That's why she didn't realise that she forgot to buy the most essential thing for living- Foods!

She tilted her head to look at the wall clock of her living room and realised she was gonna be late for her appointment if she didn't hurry up...

After deciding to skip her meal for now, Qin Rong sat in front of her dressing room and applied some makeup on her face and eyes to hide the trace of the emotional turmoil she went through today..

After doing her makeup, she put on a pair of black snickers to match with her outfit..

Finally she wrapped a khaki overcoat over her t-shirt and stepped outside the apartment ..

Hailing a taxi, she moved towards her destination;The Flowerence Hospital ..

The Flowerence Hospital Enterprise Limited is a multinational hospital chain headquartered in A city, C country..

They have more than twenty branch hospitals all over the world...

This headquarter was built thirty years ago and renovated later on. This hospital offers healthcare facilities pertaining to many areas: Cardiac Sciences , Nephro-Urology, Neuro Sciences, Oncology, Orthopedics & Spine, ophthalmology, gastroenterology, Woman & Child Health etc.. Over 400 consultants in various areas of specialization drive and manage the activities. They are assisted by a staff of 1500, including paramedical and other support. The hospital also provides free and subsidized out-patient and in-patient treatment to the needy.

This is the best hospital in C country. As a native of A city, it was her dream since her high-school days to work here as a doctor. So, when the taxi where she was sitting reached near the hospital, her eyes sparkled like stars seeing those giant hospital buildings..

The taxi driver dropped her infront of a large building which was specially built for the department of neuro sciences- neurology and neuro surgery..

When she reached the lobby area, a young lady at the front desk greeted her, "Ma'am how can we help you?"

With a polite smile on her face, Qin Rong replied, " I had an appointment with Director Guo Bairen at 5 pm. It's already 4:50 pm. So miss, can you please tell where I have to go from here to meet with him?"

That young staff; You Lili furrowed her eyebrows after hearing her words.

Director Guo Bairen was the chief executive director of the whole hospital. It's not that easy to have a appointment with him.

You Lili observed the lady newly arrived lady from head to toe. She had rarely seen such a gorgeous beauty as the unknown lady had white porcelain skin tone, juicy lips, Crescent eyebrows, brown eyes, as if every feature of her face and body was exquisite..

Her outfit was further enhancing the aura of elegance within her..

You Lili wondered if she was some celebrity or daughter of any noble family?!

Snapping out of thoughts, You Lili rubbed her nose in embarrassment as she could feel her behavior was too impolite as she was ogling the lady in front of her without replying..

So, smiling with her best effort, she finally replied, "Ma'am, may I know your name?"

"Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you that my name is Qin Rong. Please wait a little longer, let me find my identify proof"

You Lili gasped in shock after hearing the name.

'Qin Rong? That genius lady doctor?! Oh heavens! I heard that she is young but being her this much gorgeous was totally out my expectation!' she squealed inside her heart....

She stuttered in excitement, "Ma-ma'am, N-no need to find your identity proof.. You must be doctor Qin that's why you look so charismatic! Let me show you the way to lounge area, Director Sir is already waiting for you there."

Qin Rong was bewildered at her enthusiastic behavior nevertheless she still followed the young girl who was looking at her time to time with a 'fan-girl' gaze and grinning ear to ear..

When they reached the lounge area, Qin Rong saw through the glass door that a middle-aged man in his mid-fifties was sitting on the white couch anxiously but after seeing her, he stood up immediately and walked towards her..

With a gentle smile, he greeted her, "Nice to meet you, Doctor Rong. Please take a seat."

Qin Rong sat on the couch opposite side of Director Guo while You Lili waited outside the door as she was unwilling to part away with her newly found idol so soon.

After settling himself comfortably on the couch, Director Guo said again, "Doctor Rong, want to take some tea or coffee?"

"No, thanks for asking sir. We can directly go to the business"

"Okay, as you wish, doctor Rong. I have checked your resume thoroughly via email. You are such a amazing young talent. We are very glad that you decided to work here.."

Qin Rong felt awkward yet happy after hearing praises about herself from such a respectable elderly man. She humbly replied him, "You are making me feel embarrassed, Sir.. I really wanted to work here because of the availability of advanced technology medical equipments."

"Very good then, Miss Rong. We didn't discuss about your salary before. You can let us know about your demand. What if we offer you one hundred thousand bucks per month to remain as a surgeon of our hospital? Definitely, you will have a salary rise over time or with getting promotion. Moreover, you'll be paid additional charges from patient or his family if you perform any surgery as lead surgeon, but you have to lower your charges if their economical condition is not good. It is the rule of all our hospitals, I hope you are aware of it, Miss Rong."

"Definitely I heard about this rule, Director Guo. To be honest, I personally like this system very much. By doing this, poor or middle class people will also get the chance to have the best treatment."

"So, are you dissatisfied with the amount we are offering you? don't worry miss Rong, we can double or triple the amount if you want."

"...." Qin Rong were speechless at his words.

'Another spendthrift?! Why have been I encountering rich people since coming back to this city? That shameless man I met yesterday was no exception. He was offering me 100 million without any reason and now this director is offering such extravagant amount of money to a newcomer like me! Have all people in this city become rich in just four years! ..Sigh.."

Little did she know that it's not director Guo who offered her salary crazily without caring about money. It's still that 'shameless man' who ordered director Guo to do this just to increase the reputation of their hospital by keeping her here.

However, that certain 'shameless man'; the mighty chairman of Lu Corporation who was currently busy in his work with laptop while sitting inside his luxurious private jet, sneezed profusely.

'Did I catch cold somehow?' he wondered.

Back to the hospital, organizing her thoughts, Qin Rong hurriedly retorted him, "No-no-no.. I am perfectly fine with one hundred thousands bucks per month. The amount already exceeds my expectation."

"You are really very honest miss Rong, I really appreciate you. Then can we order our legal team to prepare a contract for you? As you know, our hospital has an extremely good reputation all over the world and moreover the department of neuro surgery is a very vital one. You can't leave this job whenever you want, leaving the lives of patients in danger. So, we have to set a validity of this contract. How about we set it to five years?"

"Um.. Does that mean I must have to work here for five years?"

"Yes, miss"

"Then, please set it to two years."

Director Guo felt a little disappointed, "Can I know the reason, miss?"

"I'm not sure if I'll continue to live in this city or not.. But the contract can be renewed if it expires, right?"

"Okay then this is final. Do you want to add any condition in the contract?"

"Do we have to pay fine for breaching the contract?"

"Yes.. As the amount of fine is same for every doctor of our hospital, we can't change it."

"How much is it?"

"10 million bucks"

After knowing about the amount, Qin Rong thought for a while. Then she replied, "Then I want to add some conditions. if any person related to this hospital deliberately plot against me, physically or mentally harrass me, try to frame me and If I suffer because of those acts, the contract will be breached and the hospital authority have to pay me the amount of fine."

Director Guo became more impressed after seeing how cautious she was. With a gentle smile, he replied her, " No worries.. We will pay special attention to your safety and your every condition will be included in the contract. Let us know if further changes are needed"

"You were saying that the legal team can make the contract ready within tomorrow?"

"Yes, they will. They are very efficient"

"Then can l start my job from tomorrow if I don't find any problem with the contract?"

The eyes of Director Guo brightened, he spoke with excitement, "Are you sure you don't want to take any break? Haven't you shifted in this city just yesterday?"

"Yes, but I don't want to take any break"

"Very good, young lady! Youngsters of today's generation are so lazy and heedless but you are so different from them! Don't worry, I will let you know after the contract is prepared. You can familiarize with your co-doctors, other staffs and the environment of our hospital tomorrow. You can fully dedicate yourself in work from the day after tomorrow."

Qin Rong felt a little sad and guilty after hearing his remarks. She wanted to immerse herself in work as soon as possible because she wanted to avoid those painful memories and horrendous nightmares. She couldn't sleep even a little bit if she was not dead tired.

Moreover she didn't have anyone in her family to spend time with. Maybe if she had one, she would also take a break enjoying her leisure with her dearest persons..

"Well, it's settled then. I am taking my leave now. Goodbye Director Guo." Bending her head slightly, she bowed down before him and then started walking away.

After opening the door, she saw that the young receptionist was still there waiting for her..

Feeling warm and grateful, she stepped closer to her and gave her a sweet smile saying, "Thank you so much for waiting. You are so sweet!"

You Lili felt like her 'fan-girl' mode turned on again, shaking her head like drums, she replied, "Not at all.. It's my duty.. May I ask you something if you don't mind?"

"Sure thing. What do you want to ask?"

You Lili said in a low voice as she hesitated, "Umm.. will you come here again?"

Qin Rong could tell this young girl didn't have any bad intention towards her as the eyes of the young lady were bright and transparent without any trace of malice. Somehow her look and behavior reminded her best girlfriend Qiao Anan.

All smiling, Qin Rong replied, "Yeah I'll come here to check the contract. if no problem can't be detected, I'll start working here fully from the next day."

You Lili squealed, "REALLY? I really hope that I can see you everyday.."

"Oh? Do you know about me?"

"Definitely I do! I have heard about your achievements from many nurses and doctors but I didn't see your face before. But today I came to know that you are not only brilliant but also gorgeous beyond belief. How can such a person exist!? You are my idol from now on!"

Qin Rong chuckled at her flattering remarks. She replied, "I am not that perfect as you are describing. BTW, what your name is? Sorry, I really forgot to ask it. Look at me, how silly I am! "

"I am You Lili.. No you are perfect but you just don't admit it for your humble personality. You are totally worthy of being my idol!"

Qin Rong didn't know how to refute this foolish but cute creature.. She was already feeling dizzy as she didn't eat anything since morning. Walking outside the building of neuro sciences, she hailed a taxi where was already parked near the entrance.

Settling herself inside the taxi, she urged the driver to drop her to any good restaurant nearby.

Devouring a giant bowl of ramen noodles, she finally contented as if her soul has returned to her body..

After buying groceries, fruits, vegetables and other daily necessities from a supermarket near the noodle restaurant, she finally reached her apartment ending her tiresome day.

Next day, Qin Rong signed the contract as she couldn't find any fault even after rechecking a few times.

With that, Qin Rong became the newest appointed neurosurgeon of the 'flowerence' hospital.

Ran covered A city when she was returning from hospital after signing the contract.Three days passed by in the midst of rainy weather. Finally on the fourth day, the sun broke through the sky, finding its way to rise and bathed the world with its bright rays. The cold finally faded into the warmth.

Qin Rong already adapted herself with the new working environment. Her last three days were tiresome but peaceful until at the midnight of the fourth day, when she just dozed off, a phone call disrupted her sleep...

Seeing that Mr Guo Bairen was calling, she received the call.

Anxious and panicked voice of Director Guo rung up from other side, "Miss Rong, please come to the hospital as soon as possible. A V.V.I.P has been admitted to the emergency ward, his condition is critical. If something happens to him, we all have to suffer."

'Critical condition of a V.V.I.P patient? Who can it be that Mr Guo is so panicked?!' Qin Rong wondered.