The Trap

A few hours earlier,

Inside the private jet, Lei Shao yelled in excitement, "Woah.. Second brother, you are so awesome.. look at this!"

He held his cellphone infront of Lu Xingtian's eyes and showed him something as he said again, "Everyone in the social media is regretting and complaining among themselves that the phone of newest model is out of stock before they could place their order. 10 millions phones are sold out in just three days! But didn't you already predict this situation? Why didn't your company prepare more phones of this model beforehand?"

Lu Xingtian was resting by leaning back on his seat but his eyebrows creased as he frowned after hearing the chatter of his childish brother.. He replied grumpily, "That's not your lookout. It's just a business strategy to keep up the hype of the new model for a longer time. I have already discussed the full plan with marketing department, analytics department and technology department. I am very confident over 500 millions phones of this model will be sold out all over the world by the end of this year. Please shut your mouth now and let me rest for a while."

Lei Shao: "..."

From attending the launching ceremony to monitoring the shipping process, growth of the sell, promotions and people opinion -- Lu Xingtian was so engrossed in his business since last few days that he merely had any time for eating and sleeping.

Finally he got some spare time for himself as he was coming back to A city today.

It was already 8 o'clock at night when he finally reached his villa. With great difficulty, he managed to send ever-so-clingy Lei Shao and his team members back to their camp. Assistant Han Xin who went to USA with him also returned to his home.

After taking a relaxing bath in his delux bathtub and then finishing the dinner, he sat up on the couch of his bedroom while scrolling through his e-mails.

But suddenly a phone call came to his phone and the caller was none other than his head secretary; Luo Bin.

Receiving the call, Lu Xingtian said, "Hello... what's the matter with you? why are you calling me at this late hour?"

Secretary Luo Bin stuttered in fright, "S-sir, massive fire broke out in our factory in A city, sector-6. We already summoned fire Brigade and informed the police station. Police officers are suspecting this incident to be an arson."

Luo Bin felt like temperature dropped a few celsius after he finished his words.

Hearing him, Lu Xingtian gritted through his teeth as his spoke up in a cold but thunderous tone, "Oh? An arson? So, I am paying the security guards for nothing! How can somebody from outside can set on the fire even though CCTV cameras are Installed everywhere. Don't tell me that there are one or few traitors between them? If I find out them, I'll make sure to let their good days come to an end."

Sensing the freezing coldness that was coming through the other side of the phone, Luo Bin gulped his saliva. Calming down his shuddering heart, Luo Bin tried to speak again as he said, "Sir, this factory is small and insignificant, maybe that's why security guards were not cautious. Fire Brigades are already trying to control the fire. Don't worry sir, we will not lose that much of money."

Lu Xingtian flared up in anger after hearing him. He shouted at his secretary through the phone, "Insignificant? Even if it's just a small factory, I'll still lose out atleast a million bucks! Moreover, I want to know, who dared to betray with me? Lu Xingtian never spares traitors, don't they know it?!"

.... "Have you already reached there?" he said again.

"Y-yes sir, I am already on the spot for a while." Luo Bin replied.

"Very good, then.. Tell the police officers to continue the investigation. I'll be there in half an hour."

"O-okay sir"

Ending the call, Lu Xingtian headed for his destination riding on his black Maserati with his driver and three bodyguards who used to stay at the ground floor of his villa...

But after crossing some distance, the people inside the car noticed a big problem and that was they were being followed by another black car!

Lu Xingtian suddenly came to a realisation and cursed himself. He was so occupied with his business that he completely forgot to see through the bigger scenario and got tricked.

'So setting fire on the factory was nothing but a bait, their main target was to bring me out of my house.. Shit! such a small trick but I still stepped into their trap' He thought inside while blaming himself for not listening to Lei Shao's advice.

Actually, he thought his enemies wanted to get rid of him to disrupt the launching ceremony of the new project but he didn't think they still desperately wanted to end his life even after their initial plan failed....

"Master, what will we do now?" One of his bodyguards; Jing Pei asked him..

"All of you, be ready and take out your guns

and Jing pei, you try to call and send messages to other guards ....

Driver, increase the speed of the car, we have to cross this bridge and then turn the car in the another direction, Just five of us can't resist them so we can only confuse them until other guards come to help us." Lu Xingtian instructed..

He didn't call Lei Shao as he knew Lei Shao already returned to his camp. So, he couldn't reach here soon..

But before they could cross the bridge, another black car came towards them from the forward direction..Lu Xingtian's car was basically trapped between two cars making them unable to move towards any direction..

Suddenly a gunfire was heard, breaking the silence of night and the glass door of the black maserati was cracked...

"Everybody, save your head and other vital body parts" Lu Xingtian ordered his subordinates while while bending his head downwards to hide his body inside the car..

"Master, can't we fight them back?" a bodyguard asked him..

"No, they are professional mercenaries from a notorious organization, XZ. We few people can't kill all of them even if we try. Don't worry, I'll make sure later to wipe away their whole organization like dust but for now we have to escape from here, there is no other away!" Lu Xingtian replied calmly..

"Escape? How to escape from here? Currently we are struck in the middle of a 63 meters high bridge!" Jing Pei exclaimed..

"Look at them, they already opened their glass door and heading towards us.. There will be atleast twenty to twenty five peoples inside two cars. If we involve in a direct gunfight with them, we'll be clearly in an unfavourable situation. So, we don't have any other choice other than jumping into the river from here." Lu Xingtian observed their enemies' every move while saving himself from their gunshots..

"But master, this bridge is 63 meters high! it will be highly risky if we jump into river!"

"I know but this is the only way left for us to escape. This river is very deep and the area is completely dark by now as it's night time. So they can't find us immediately and by when they will find us, other guards will reach here, they should reach here within ten to fifteen minutes. But if we try to fight them back, we can't survive until then." Lu Xingtian stared at his wrist-watch and calculated everything inside his mind..

"But what if they shoot us just after we open the door and step towards the edge of the bridge?" This time, Lu Xingtian's driver realised this problem and asked his master..

"Good question indeed! That's why we shouldn't let them guess that we are planning to jump into river.. Opening the door, we'll move slowly and start firing bullets at them. We have to reach towards the edge of the bridge slowly in the midst of gun-fighting and jump down from there.

As you(driver) and Jing Pei don't have guns, you'll stay in the middle. We'll try to protect both of you" Lu Xingtian recollected the whole plan in his mind..

"No master, it's our duty to save us risking our own lives. I can't stay in the middle!" Jing Pei squealed.

"You are trained but the driver is not. His baby daughter was born just a few days ago. I can't risk his life now as this mishap has been created because of my unwisdom and ineptitude. So, I have to manage it by my own abilities and don't forget that your duty is to obey my orders." Lu Xingtian said in a harsh tone while tilting his head to left side as a bullet just passed by 1 cm away from his ear and if he was just a second late to move, his head would have been shot by now..

"Master!" All of them shouted in shock and fear as they saw what was going to happening to happen just now.. They sighed in relief when they saw the unharmed condition of their master and the driver's eyes welled up after he remembered what Lu Xingtian just said.

He was Mu Ruoshan; a middle aged man who accompanied Lu Xingtian from his childhood as the personal driver.. He knew clearly that even if his master looks heartless from outside, he actually cares for all the people close to him including his loyal subordinates...

"We can't delay for a second now. Prepare your guns. I am opening the door.. Get ready for the fight and remember to protect your vital parts of body as much as possible.." Lu Xingtian spoke while opening the door..

He fired a bullet towards the mercenary who tried to shoot in his head just a while ago.

The first shot by Lu Xingtian hit the mercenary in the middle of his forehead and he died instantly.

Everyone was shocked to see the efficiency of Lu Xingtian's marksmanship except his subordinates as they were already aware of it ..

The mercenaries became more aggressive after the death of their team member.. They started firing bullets at them rapidly but Lu Xingtian and his two bodyguards somehow managed to escape their bullets while another three mercenaries got shot by them..

The gun firing continued for three minutes and Lu Xingtian's team already reached the edge of the bridge without making the mercenaries realize anything..

Every bodyguard and the driver was unharmed as Lu Xingtian was leading them but his own left arm got slightly injured as a bullet just passed by his left arm slashing the upper layer of the skin slightly and fresh blood was oozing out of it..

When the mercenaries came to understand that their target was going to escape by jumping into the river, they tried to resist as they rushed to reach at the edge of the bridge but it was too late. Lu Xingtian and his subordinates already jumped down...

The leader of their tonight's mission, the notorious and mysterious 'Z' slammed the car door with a bang leaving a trail of twisted metal across the car.

"You shitheads! Are you planning just to stand here and do nothing but enjoy the scenery? Jump into the river right now!" he shouted at his underlings..

"Master, we chose to accomplish our mission here because we knew this situation could occur.. This bridge is far over the river and not only that, the river water has strong current forces and full of rocks under its surface. They can't come out alive today." One of the underlings said while grinning out a evil laugh..

Z calmed down a little after hearing him. Stroking his beard with one hand, he said again, "Even so, we can't leave them here before making sure that they are dead, mainly that Lu Xingtian..

Go there and search for their bodies. If they are still alive, make sure to kill them completely."

"But master, we can't jump down from here.. It's risky." ten of them screamed in unison after hearing their boss's order..

"Okay okay.. Follow the original route and go there by car.. But please, hurry up idiots!" He instructed his underlings while grabbing his head with his hands in frustration..

"Lu Xingtian, you have to die today at any cost. Nobody can save you, not even God!" He smirked evilly as his red eyes which were full of malice and hatred, glimmered like a snake in that dark, cold night..