His critical condition

But today it seemed like Goddess of luck really didn't favor Lu Xingtian as his head hit with a large rock inside the river after falling from the sixty-three meters high-bridge.. He felt a piercing pain in his head and and the body of him slowly began to sink deeper into the river because of the strong water current.. He tried hard to conserve his consciousness and move his body but the intense pain from his head made him unable to do so..

The river water was choking him as he felt difficulty in breathing..

His eyelids became heavy and finally he blacked out...

Meanwhile, his subordinates were unscathed as their bodies were not thrashed by any rock but they had to swim against the strong force of water.. All of them including the driver reached the shore of the river at almost same time and then they came to realisation that their master who should have reached there before any of them was not seen anywhere..

"Where is master?!"

"If master was alright, he should have reached here by now.. He must have been injured somehow"

"Yes, there are so many giant rocks inside the river.. Can it be that... master got injured because of those rocks?! Then it's a big problem! What should we do now?"

"Why are you panicking? Let's not waste time anymore and jump into the river again to search for master"

"Yes and we should search separately.. Driver, are you okay with this? Can you swim resisting the violent water force?"

Driver nodded resolutely.. For his master, he could do anything! It's his duty to serve him and protect him sacrificing his own life if it was needful..

After completing their discussion and finalizing the decision, they jumped into the river and scattered into various directions to search for their master separately..

After three minutes, bodyguard Jing Pei's scream was echoed through that silent riverside area.. "I HAVE FOUND MASTER.... but it seems that he is unconscious.. Come here and help me to take his body to the shore.. Please hurry up.."

All of them dragged Lu Xingtian's unconscious body to the bank of the river and made him lie on the sand.. Jing Pei pressed his ear again his master's chest to listen to the heartbeat and another bodyguard; Hu Dong checked his pulse..

"I can't find master's pulse!" Hu Dong exclaimed..

"His heartbeat is also very low but he is still breathing.. We have to drain the water out of his lungs otherwise he will die because of oxygen deficiency! I should perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on him" Jing Pei used to be a military doctor, so he had a rough idea about Lu Xingtian's physical condition..

"Then what are you waiting for? Perform it quickly!" The third bodyguard; Qiu Zhe complained...

"I was trying to find if he had suffered any other injury or else why would such a proficient person like him lose consciousness and got drowned inside the river!" Jing Pei replied in a tensed as well as concerned tone..

"Then did you find any additional injury? The driver asked cautiously..

"No, we have to take him to the hospital immediately. As our other team members will be here in any moment, we don't have to worry.. Let me perform CPR first" After shutting their mouths, Jing Pei interlocked the palms of his hands and pressed those against the chest of his master..

"Oh no! The mercenaries are approaching here! look at the two black cars! Our teammates haven't reached here till now and master is also unconscious.. How can we fight against them and protect master?" Hu Dong exclaimed nervously..

Jing Pei didn't react as he was still compressing on Lu Xingtian's chest.

Water flowed out through the corner of his mouth but he didn't display any sign of regaining consciousness.

As a doctor, Jing Pei could briefly understand that his master's condition was more servere than it seemed from outside.. He tilted his head to look up at his comrades and spoke in a serious tone, "Master's condition is serious. Though I can't tell what happened to him but I am sure that if we don't admit him into the hospital and start the necessary treatment in a few minutes, he will not be able to survive.. Don't know how but we have to escape from here immediately"

"But, how is this even possible? They are already here.. It seems like we can't escape from here now. We failed to protect master!" The driver aka Mu Ruoshen said in a slightly choked voice as his eyes became misty...

The mercenaries stepped out of the cars. As they were merely two hundred meters away from the place where Lu Xingtian's seemingly lifeless body was lying and his subjects circled around him, they could see everything clearly. They headed towards the direction while pointing the guns at their targets..

But before they could press the barrel of their guns, hundreds of bullets rained down on them from various directions..

More than fifty men reached there covering the whole area and started firing bullets at the mercenaries..

All of them were highly efficient guards of Lu family. After receiving the messages and calls from their comrades, they tracked the location and reached here hurriedly with full preparation...

"F*ck! they reached here..." Before the mercenary could complete the full sentence, he was shot in the middle of his chest..

When the guards were mercilessly eliminating the mercenaries, a helicopter flew towards the riverside area and then landed there vertically.

After seeing the private helicopter which belonged to their master Lu Xingtian, three bodyguards as well as the driver felt relieved...

As two guards stepped out of the helicopter, Jing Pei shouted at them, "Come here quickly and help us to carry master inside the helicopter. We have to send him to the hospital without any delay. His breathing rate is very low already. I don't know how long he will be able to hold onto his life."

After hearing Jing Pei, two guards came to help them and settled Lu Xingtian's senseless body inside the helicopter with the coalition of Jing Pei and the driver while leaving Hu Dong, Qiu Zhe and other guards to deal with the mercenaries...

The helicopter flew off towards the flowerence hospital and vanished in the sky by merging with the darkness of night...


Qin Rong reached the hospital with the assistance of a special driver sent by director Guo Bairen.

When she just stepped inside the office of the director, she saw two of her fellow neurosurgeons, a few other doctors whom she didn't know as well as director Guo who was sitting on his chair wiping the beads of sweat formed on his forehead even though the AC was turned on..

Qin Rong tilted her head a bit and noticed two elderly people standing at the corner of the room with tensed, anxious and frustrated expression on their faces..

She guessed the elder man might be in his mid sixties, emerging an aura of aristocracy and there was an elder woman by his side.

Qin Rong's mouth twitched after noticing the appearance of that elder woman. She was wearing a pair of diamond earrings matched with a diamond necklace, diamond bracelets on her hands and diamond rings on her fingers.

Not only those, even her full-sleeve, knee-length, maroon-coloured dress was laced with tiny yet shiny diamonds which went perfectly with a Louis Vuitton's special diamond collection handbag and a pair of silver-tone, glittery stilettos.

Her face was painted with heavy makeup making unable for anybody to guess her original facial features..

Qin Rong never saw any elder lady with such flashy dress-up inside the hospital. So, it took her few seconds to avert her gaze and focus into the main reason for which she came here hurriedly at the middle of the night.

Walking towards the director's table, she cleared her throat and said, " Director sir, I am here. May I know about the condition of the patient?"

After seeing her, Director Guo stood up in excitement and his eyes glistened as if he got chance to see his last life-saving straw..

He squealed, "Miss Rong, finally you are here! The patient's condition is critical. Please see these reports."

After handing over the test reports to Qin Rong, he narrated everything briefly, "The patient was drowned in water for a few minutes. We have completed the primary treatment and drained out the water from his lungs. His brain still lacks oxygen but the main problem is that he got severely injured at the crucial part of the brain.. Now, what should we do? What's your opinion, Miss Rong?"

After thoroughly checking every minute details of the test reports, Qin Rong thought for a little and said with a serious expression, "We have to perform an emergency surgery immediately. If we don't remove the clots formed inside the brain, they will lead to massive haemorrhage in his brain"

Her fellow neurosurgeon; Huang Zixuan retorted her, "Are you sure about this surgery, Doctor Rong? His body is already weak because of drowning and more on that his injury is at the crucial part of the brain.. What if this surgery turns out to be more life threatening for him?"

Qin Rong turned her head to stare at him and replied with a stern gaze, "So, what are you suggesting Doctor Huang? To leave him in this state? If we don't perform the surgery, he will enter into vegetative state and may even die!

.. I hope you know that.."

Another neurosurgeon; Liu Chenyi was also not very optimistic about this surgery. He said, "But the surgery is very risky, Miss Rong. I don't have much confidence to perform it. Are you going to perform this surgery as the lead surgeon?"

Qin Rong didn't reply him. Lowering her gaze to stare at her wrist watch, she said, "Almost two hours passed after he got injured, right? If we don't start performing the surgery within an hour, the situation will be completely out of our control.."

After pausing a little, she gazed at the two neurosurgeons, she expressed, "Mr Huang, Mr Liu; as you both are very experienced in this field, you can understand his physical condition more than anyone else.. Both of you know that why I am insisting to perform the surgery immediately.. If two of you don't want to take the lead, then definitely I have to perform the surgery as the lead surgeon. I absolutely don't have any problem with that."

Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu fell silent whereas director Guo became ecstatic. He always believed in her abilities after seeing her past records and admired her very much for it. He said, "Then, should we start arrangements for surgery?"

Qin Rong replied, "No, I want to check his condition personally once before surgery. Director Sir, can you lead me the way to the room where he is admitted?"

Director Guo hurriedly said, "Yes sure, young lady.. Let's go"

But before they could take a step to move, the fierce voice of a woman was resonated inside the room disrupting the initial atmosphere.. "I DON'T AGREE"

Director Guo and Qin Rong stopped and saw that the elder lady mentioned earlier was walking towards them..

She stood opposite them and said again, "I Don't agree"... " I strongly disagree to let my son be operated by such a reckless, young woman.."

She paused for a few moments and gazed at the eyes of Qin Rong and uttered fiercely, "Do you know who he is? He is the chairman of Lu corporation.. Have you any idea how valuable his life is?"

'Chairman of Lu Corporation?!' Qin Rong wondered...