It's him!

Guo Bairen tried to diminish the fury of the elder woman. So, he hurriedly explained, "Madam Lu, trust me she is very efficient in this field. She won't toy with young master's life."

Madam Lu yelled at him, "Are you kidding me? A mere young girl will perform the surgery of my precious son? Where are Doctor Wu and Doctor Feng? Aren't they most renowned and experienced neurosurgeons of this hospital? Why didn't you inform them about my son's injury?"

"Doctor Wu wanted to live in N country with his daughter. So, he was transferred to our branch hospital there and Doctor Qin Rong is recruited here recently to fill up his vacancy. As for Doctor Feng, he is in vacation for now as his health was detoriating since last few months due to hectic work schedule. That's why he took leave for a few days giving away all his responsibilities to Doctor Rong temporarily. Madam Rong, if you are not convinced, you can call Doctor Feng. He also trusts Miss Rong a lot.." Guo Bairen narrated everything to Madam Lu patiently..

But Madam Lu was still not convinced. She refuted him, "Why don't we bring back doctor Wu and Doctor Feng by our private jets? How can we be at ease leaving our son's life at the hands of an inexperienced young girl?"

Master Lu aka Lu Junyan was quietly observing the situation standing beside his wife. Being a man with good etiquette, he didn't want to argue with director Guo who was an old acquaintance of him..

He had confidence in the discretion and astuteness of director Guo but the young man lying inside the ICU and struggling with life and death was none other than his own flesh and blood. How can he put his son's life into danger? That's why, after consideration, he also nodded his head hearing his wife's words giving the impression to everybody inside the room that his thoughts and opinions in this matter were also similar as of his wife..

Director Guo sighed, he didn't know how to make them realise the brilliance of Qin Rong. He said again, "Madam, even if you send private jets to take them back to here, the entire process will still take a few hours but this is an emergency surgery, we have to start it within an hour.."

"But how can we let the most prominent heir of Lu family be treated by a mere young girl? Director Guo, are you playing with the reputation of this hospital? You actually left the whole department of neurosurgery of the best hospital in our country under supervision of an inexperienced girl? Does she even know the significance and social status of Lu Family?" Madam Lu retorted him again...

Director Guo opened his mouth to say something but Qin Rong stopped him signalling with her hand gestures..

She didn't refute this wealthy elder lady when she questioned and criticized her ability over and over again judging by her outer appearance and gender because she didn't want to argue with an elder especially as she just joined in this hospital, she didn't want to create trouble for herself and other staffs of the hospital..

But now she felt like she should say something to seal the mouth of this 'Madam Lu' as she was just wasting time of everybody with her nonsense arguments and delaying the surgery..

She gave a stern gaze at Madam Lu and said, "Yes Madam Lu, you are right to guess that I came from an extremely ordinary household. I really don't have much idea about either Lu family or Lu corporation but definitely I have heard about it before.. But my knowledge about your family is completely irrelevant to your son's surgery...

When I engaged in the medical profession, I took oath to practice my profession with conscience and dignity transcending race, religion,nationality,political affiliation and social status.. I will never play with life of any patient regardless of his or her identify..

Even if your son was just a poor, powerless man, I would have still treated him with my utmost ability and responsibility.." She completed her long speech with one breath..

Madam Lu was stunned for a few seconds after hearing her lecture. Before she could say anything, Qin Rong started speaking again, "And for your kind information madam, as a doctor, I feel that every patient's life is equally valuable. That's why I have always treated each and every patient of mine with sincerity. But If you don't believe in my capabilities, you can check my resume where my performance in previous surgeries are described with details."

Madam Lu was enraged beyond words. Never did in her life she predict that one day she would be lectured by a mere young commoner in front of so many people.. She was just preparing to scold her for her audacity but was stopped by her husband..

Lu Junyan was scrutinizing the young lady infront of him from the start to find out if she was really reliable or not.. He noticed the changes of her eyes when she was talking about her profession. Those clear bright eyes were sparkling like stars, filled with pride and dignity..

He could fathom that the young lady is someone who values morals and principles more than materialistic pleasures. His impression of her turned much better. So, he stopped his wife from arguing anymore.

He just wanted to check through her achievements directly and then come to a final decision..

"This young lady is right. We should just check her resume rather than wasting our time in arguing" Master Lu said to his wife..

"No, look mannerless she is.. She can't." Before Mrs Lu could complete her sentence, Master Lu stopped her with slightly raised voice showing his impatience towards her, "Enough of arguing. Let them do their work.. Let's seat here and go through the resume without making ruckus.."

Director Guo Bairen didn't utter a word since Qin Rong finished her speech as he was still engrossed in the speech she just finished.

Nowadays, most of the young doctors choose this profession because of money but this young lady was just a brilliant exception!

He realised that aside being exceptionally skilled, she had a heart of gold which was needed for being a true doctor..

She even suggested to show them her resume which could practically take away all the doubts of elder Lu couple.. He was pondering from the start how to convince them but completely forgot about the resume!

'Looks like I am really being old' He sighed inside..

"Okay director sir, you should stay here with them..I want to visit the patient now. Kindly send someone with me to show me the way.. " Qin Rong didn't want to waste time anymore..

General physician Miss Mu Lan actually wanted to visit the legendary business tycoon Lu Xingtian for quite a long time.. She didn't want to miss this opportunity and hurriedly said, "I-I will go with Miss Rong.. I know the way.. Director sir, you can accompany Master Lu and madam Lu.."

Director Guo didn't refuse her proposal. So, finally after changing into germ-free hospital staff dresses, Qin Rong and Mu Lan entered the exclusive ICU with extra security protection, especially made for VIPs...

When they reached near the ICU bed, a tall muscular figure lying on the bed came to their view..

Even though oxygen mask was put on his mouth, it couldn't reduce the beauty of his face.. His poreless fair skin seemed brighter because of the yellowish light of the room.

His high pointed nose, thin pale lips, sword like eyebrows and long eyelashes could give people illusion of a godly handsome prince sleeping peacefully on the white bed..

Young Doctor Mu Lan's maiden heart fluttered after seeing him and she became engrossed in appreciating every single feature of the unconscious man's body whereas Qin Rong became too shocked to comprehend anything after having clear view of the face of that man ..

"Qin Rong, don't you think Chairman Lu's face is so gorgeous that it almost feels like surreal?! How can a severely injured man still look this much alluring!" Mu Lan stared at the man with a lascivious gaze as pink hearts were almost popping out from her eyes..

"C-chairman Lu?!" Qin Rong stammered as her heart shuddered after hearing Mu Lan..

"Yes of course! Who else will be chairman Lu?! Aren't you gonna operate on him later?" Mu Lan gazed at Qin Rong in contempt....

Qin Rong almost staggered on her feet as she felt like thousands of firecrackers were bursting inside her head..

'He is chairman Lu!! So that means, I literally insulted, accused and lectured the formidable chairman Lu! Not only that, I even kicked his bodyguards and also intended to kick him and now I am going perform surgery on him! Damn!! God, why is my life so complicated?!' She screamed and cried inside her heart..