Chapter 43

"WHY DID YOU DRINK IT?!! SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!!" Lenian shouted as he held the baby in his hands.

"What could I do? Hand it over to them?" Minji said as she sat on the bed.


"ARE YOU MAD? IT'S NUCLEAR WASTE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!! It is harmful to everything!! Do you know how much damage it could have done to the-"

"So, the most brawny decision was to just chug it down your throat?" Lenian said.

"I- I didn't know what else to do!!!" She said.

"...I can't win against you." Lenian said.

"So...He's a Demigod?" Lenian said as he looked at the sleeping Akagi.

"I suppose, but we'll be sure once he reaches the age of 4." Minji said.

"I wonder what kind of 'Sila' will he get. You are the 'Goddess of Anti-fertility' so will he be-"

"Don't speak further. I'll chop off your tongue." Minji said.

"Okay...." Lenian said.

After 4 years...

"Your son suffers from Dyslexia." The doctor said.

"Dyslexia?" Lenian and Minji said together.

"Dyslexia can make reading challenging, but it's often found in extremely intelligent people who are fast and creative thinkers. Looks like the child is gonna be exceptional once he grows.

"Makes sense for Demigods, right? And let's not forget, the Demigod brain is also hardwired to understand its divine parent's language." Lenian whispered to Minji.

"We'll start with the treatment therapy from next week." The doctor said.

"MOM!!" Akagi shouted.

"What is it?"

"See!! I'm running so fast!! And I've got wings!" Akagi said as he ran outside the house and came back within one second.

Minji dropped the glass and said "D- DO THAT AGAIN!!"

Her eyes were filled with excitement.

"Got his powers?" Lenian said.


"But still... a Sila of Speed.... Wasn't that Skorost?" Lenian said.


"Are you sure that's a Sila and not just some reaction from that serum inside his body?" Lenian said.

"NO IT'S NOT!! MY SON... MY SON HAS GOT A SILA AND HE IS A DEMIGOD!! No more conversation about it!" Minji said.

"I can't win against animals." Lenian said.

"What does THAT mean, Lenian Scheczalier?" Minji said.

"Oh well... I can't explain it to you but understand it for you." Lenian said.

"You can't explain either. We need something up there to explain anything." Minji said.

8 years later...

"Akagi, it's your 10th birthday, what do you want as a gift?"

"I want Borsch!!" Akagi said.

(Note- Borsch/ Borscht is a beet and cabbage red soup. It is a delicious belly warmer on Moscow's colder days, served with or without meat, potato, herbs (usually dill) and a dollop of smetana, Russian sour cream)

"But that shop is far away! I don't wanna drive that far." Lenian said.

"NO!!! I WANT IT AND IT ONLY!!" Akagi shouted.

"Alright alright, your majesty. Let's freeze our ass. Come." Lenian said as he moved towards the car.

As soon as he touched the car, it exploded. Minji quickly covered Akagi.

"M- Mom?" Akagi said as he looked at his mother.

She slowly lost her grip and landed on the ground with all blood on her back.

She was dead.

Lenian's body was turned to ashes.

"Dad? Mom?" Akagi said as he moved across the rubble.

Suddenly someone covered his face from behind and everything turned dark…


"Wake up." A woman said as she threw a bucket of cold water on Akagi.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the woman with red hair and sharp features.

He was inside a dark room, tied to a chair with a table in front of him.

"Ms. Zia, are you sure he's the one?" A tall man dressed in black suit and sunglasses said.

"You doubt me, Oleg?" Zia said.

"Of course not, ma'am." Oleg said.

"Serra, get me a torch." Zia said to a blonde woman.

"You'll see what I'm talking about." Zia said as she took the torch and flashed it on Akagi's eyes.

His eyes lit bright red as the light fell on his eyes and she held them open with her fingers.

"*Gasp* Red eyes!" Serra said.

Zia smiled and said "I've waited for the last 10 years. Looks like my patience is paying off."

"Is this the serum? It's beautiful." Serra said as she leaned towards Akagi and looked into his red eyes.

"Excuse me, but you smell gross, could you just f**k off?" Akagi said.

"...He speaks a lot" Serra said.

"Then, cut his tongue." Zia said as she walked towards the door.

"I wish I could...but it'd be bad if such a sexy boy couldn't speak." Serra said.

"Are you a pedophile?" Akagi said.

"...You'll stop speaking after we start the extraction tomorrow." Serra said as she left the room and Oleg followed him.


A tear dropped from Akagi's eye, "Mom... Dad... I'm sorry.… I'm sorry.... I'll never be stubborn again... so please come back home and make it fast..."

"Okay, the machine setup is finished, let's start the extraction." Zia said.

Akagi looked at Zia as she brought a needle-like instrument near his eyes.

"Trust me, it won't hurt very much" She said.


"Lost his eye?" Ducis, the person who was funding this research, said.

"My calculations got a little wrong... but I have a greater news." Zia said.


"He's a Demigod." She said.

"What? *Chuckle* I don't believe in fairy tales and shit like that." Ducis said.

"Oh! Neither do I, but I have evidence." She said and passed a photograph to him.

"What's this?"

"This is a detailed view of his eye. Can you see, there's someone in there... inside his eyes." She said.

"What the... And who is it?"

"His Demigod powers"


"It seems like his DNA was exposed to Skorost while he was still inside his mother's womb, since it's merged not only into his DNA but also into every segment of his muscle fibres which is otherwise impossible if you inject it in your body.

The Skorost gene was more dominant than his Demigod power gene. So, 'Skorost' suppressed the Demigod powers and hence they are still stuck inside him, dying to come out."

"Can you extract that genome?" Ducis said.

"I think, I can. And if I do, this will be mankind's greatest invention. 'An artificial Demigod'." She said.

"Zia.... I'm ready to fund this till the end. Don't care about the money, but I want a success." Ducis said.

"It surely will be." Zia said.

"HEY! GET UP!!" Zia said as she stood in front of Akagi.

Akagi got up and opened both his eyes.

"YOUR LEFT EYE... IT HEALED ITSELF!! NO.... IT REGENERATED… YOU ARE SO INTERESTING." She said as she looked into Akagi's eyes.

"I know.... and you are boring as f**k." Akagi said.

"I just need a small blood sample, that's all." She said as she injected a needle and drops of blood from his body fell into a test tube.

The study went on for six months.

"I can't understand a single structure in this..... is this even blood? There are no platelets in this." A researcher said.

"Because... blood platelets have been replaced by something even more effective... which not only clots the blood but...regenerates the body part." Zia said.

14 operations were done on Akagi within 1 year and 6 months. His small wings were cut off so that they shouldn't interrupt with the research and anatomical body study.

Dissections were not possible since the body was regenerated as soon as it was cut. However, the wings didn't regenerate.

After a research of complete 1.5 years, the researchers were disheartened, they had failed.

Zia was angry because of this failure.

In great anguish, she rushed towards the room where Akagi was being kept.

He was eating his lunch, when she entered the room and threw away his food.

"I'M SO FED UP OF YOU!!" She said as she held his neck.

"Calm down Ms. Zia!!" Serra said.


Akagi just looked at her.

"I think... he won't open his mouth this way...OLEG!!" Zia shouted.

"Akagi Scheczalier....Where have your parents hidden that genetic code?" Oleg said.

"...I don't know" Akagi said.

"....Serra, cut his fingers." Oleg said.

Serra opened her tool box and took out a plier.

"You can kill me if you want. But then, you'll never be able to reach your goals." Akagi said.

"Oh but who said we'll kill you. We'll just burn you a little or cut you at some places. We'll make sure that you breathe and speak." Oleg said as Serra took out a knife from her bag.

"Let's start. I promise it won't hurt at all, Akagi~"



"It regenerated?" Zia said.

"Yes, all the wounds and burns, all of them... regenerated." Serra said.

"...I'm dropping this project, I need to study this further." Zia said.

"You mean...You'll let him go?" Serra said.

"I'll wait for another 10 years, till then, his body will be grown up and stable so it'll be easier to study him." Zia said.

"Till then? What will we do of him?" Serra said.

"We need him to grow normally among humans so that he can give us refined results." Zia said.

"Akagi Scheczalier, we're letting you go, but we have a condition." Zia said.

"What?" Akagi said.

"You'll have to come back again, once you are 21 years old." Zia said.

"....Whatever, I couldn't care less" Akagi said.

"Serra, leave him in front of any orphanage." Zia said.

"Got it~" Serra said with a smile.

"This isn't an orphanage." Akagi said as he stood inside a well furnished room.

"It's my apartment." Serra said.

"Huh? Why did you bring me to-"

"Why don't you wash up? You're quite dirty." Serra said.

'SHE'S ACTING SUSPICIOUSLY GOOD... WELL, WHATEVER.' Akagi thought and got inside the bathroom.

"Excuse me, I don't have a change of clothes." Akagi said as he stood in front of Serra with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"It's okay, you don't need clothes for what we are about to do next." Serra said.


Serra suddenly pushed him on the bed and rested her lips on his lips.

"Mmmmm??? W- What are you doing?!" Akagi said as he kept his hands on her shoulders and tried to push her back.

"I'm gonna teach you...something amazing today." Serra said as she removed her shirt.

-To be continued