Chapter 44

I'm dying...

...Is this where my useless life will end?

So in short...

No matter how much you try...

No matter how much you want it....

Some stories.....just don't have a happy ending....

And it seems like my story was one of those.....

"*Cough Cough* I'm alive?" Akagi said as he sat on the bridge.

"You should've told me that you can't swim. Thank god I was there to help you." The little girl with black hair said.

His car was lying beside him.


"Now that I saved you, form a contract with me!" She said.

"What is that s*it?" Akagi said.

"What do we call that…A MARRIAGE!" She said.

"Are you friggin' kidding me? I hardly even know you, you are a kid and I'm not into marriage." Akagi said.

"...Kids have their own charms." She said.

"I don't want to find out those charm-"

'It won't hurt once you're used to it'

"Hmm? Hey.... Did you hang or what?" She said.

"Get lost." Akagi said and got into his car.

"W- Wait! Form a contract with me-"

He ignored her and drove away.

"He's so rude! JUST MY TYPE!!!!" The girl said.

The next day.....

"Privet (Hello) Mr. Akagi, ty zakonchil knigu? (have you completed the book?)" The editor said.

"Da, no ya vse yeshche ne ponimayu, kak napisat' o nazvanii (Yeah, but I'm still confused on how to write about the name)" Akagi said as he walked in the hallways while talking on his phone.

"YA dumayu, «Letnyaya dusha» - dovol'no khorosheye imya. Eto protiv bullinga, verno? (I guess 'Summer Soul' is quite a good name. It's on anti- bullying, right?)" The editor said.

"Da, yesli ty tak govorish'. Prishlite mne oblozhku segodnya vecherom (Yes, if you say so. Send me the cover art by tonight)" Akagi said.

"Da, dobryy den', ser (Yes, good day, sir) *Click*"

Akagi kept his phone in his jeans and went to the restroom.

He unzipped his pants when suddenly-

"What are you doing?" The girl with black hair said.


"Dude.... Are you okay?" The guy standing beside him said.

"Un... Yes..." Akagi said.

"Don't worry, no one else can see me but you." She said.

"I figured." He said and walked out of the restroom.

"Hey wait!!! Aren't you gonna continue what you were doing?" She said as she followed him.

"I was peeing. But now I feel uncomfortable." Akagi said.

"Peeing? What's that?" She said.

"You don't know what peeing is? The act of urinating?" Akagi said.

"Oh! You mean poop?" She said.

"They... are related... in a way..." Akagi said.

"Oh! Don't worry, I don't poop." She said.

"Yeah, ghosts don't poop, I know that." Akagi said.

"I'm not a ghost! I'M A STAR~ The Star of L-U-S-T! Lust! My title is 'Where There's Lust'." She said.

"I hope that one fine day you choke on all that shit you talk about." He said.

"IT'S NOT SHIT!! IT'S TRUE!!" She said.

"Really? Try prove-...." Akagi stopped and realised...he was in the hallway…. and everyone was staring at him.

"Why is he talking to himself? Creepy...." A girl said while standing near her locker.

"Let's go somewhere more private." He said.

He took her to the backstage of college's auditorium.

"Now tell me, how did you find me?" Akagi said.

"By chasing the red string that connects us. Huh! It took me good long 19 years to reach you." She said.

"Could you stop" He said "You're just a wandering ghost or spirit. Let me tell you beforehand, I'm not going to save someone for you like those clichés." He said.

"Wow! You don't trust me at all." She said.

"No, I don't." Akagi said.

".... I suppose you'll trust me after I tell you that I know your secret." She said.


"I know that you're a Demigod" She said.

"Why?" He said.

"You see, I-"

Akagi grabbed her neck and held her in the air "You're from the lab, aren't you?!" He said.

"L- LAB? W- W- HAT'S THAT?" She said as she struggled.

"Are you playing dumb?" Akagi said with a smile.

"NO- NO! AKAGI! I'M JUST YOUR FRIEND!!!" She shouted.

"DON'T F**K WITH ME!!" Akagi shouted as his grip got tighter.

"People like you...I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO CLAIM TO BE FRIENDS!!!" Akagi said.

"AKAGI!!" She shouted.

Akagi finally left her and threw her on the ground "If you don't want worse to happen, leave. And never involve yourself with me, ever again"

She just stood in front of him.


"Why? Why do you hate love?" She said.

" will hurt you. And I'm not used to it yet! I'm not used to getting hurt yet! I'm just....tired of it." Akagi said.

"....Akagi, love won't hurt you...

Love won't leave you...

People will." She said.

Akagi looked at her as his moist black eyelashes shone under the light.

She touched his face gently with both her hands and said "Are you uncertain? Have you suffered? Have you lost your parents? Have you been betrayed? Have you lost your faith in love? Then... this is what makes you a Demigod."

"I don't care if I'm a Demigod. It's all in vain. Even with these powers, I couldn't save anyone, I couldn't do anything." He said.

"That's because you don't have to do anything. Let me do it for you. Form a contact with me and I shall stay by your side till your last breath. I will show you... how beautiful life is."

"....Fine. Try it, but, let me warn you, if you get involved with me, I'm only gonna ruin your life. Are you still taking the chance?"

"In that case, I want you to ruin my life." She said.

Akagi chuckled and said "You're crazy. do we form a contract?"

"Do we have any mirrors here?" She said.

"There is one.... in the changing room."

"That will do, let's make something beautiful."

"What are we doing here?" Akagi said as he held her little finger.

"Look into the mirror, what can you see?" She said.

"I can see," Akagi said as he looked into the mirror "You and me."

Soon, the room was covered with a red light.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Akagi shouted as the little girl raise into the air and started shining bright.

It became brighter and brighter until nothing was visible anymore.

And when the light was gone, Akagi looked at Melissa in awe and said....


"Isn't that you, Blair..." Akagi said as he moved towards her but suddenly he felt dizzy.

"Careful." She said.

He grabbed her thigh as he fell and finally lost consciousness....

"And that is how you met Melissa?" Vierne said.

"Yes, out of all the decisions I've made in life, I like this one the most." Akagi said with a smile.

"Why did you name her Melissa?" Vierne said.

"She brought me happiness, and that's exactly what the name says." Akagi said.

"Mr. Akagi....don't you feel uncomfortable due to her looks?" Vierne said.

"At first, I was... but now... I'm totally over it. Besides, I think I'm in love with someone, who means a universe to me. I couldn't compare her to petty b*tches....

Crying is not wrong...

Crying over wrong things is wrong... you should cry over wounds and st*ches, not b*stards or b*tches." Akagi said.

"After meeting you and Lict and Melissa, I think that in this world, there are friends and there is family, and then there are friends…who become family." Vierne said.

"There's one new thing I learned after meeting you too." Akagi said "Not all flowers are fragile."


"Your Sila is deadly. Locking yourself for 10 years into a small room just to protect everyone else from your powers....You are really kind. I at least could never be so selfless. Everyone wants to be a diamond but not everyone is ready to get cut....

Everyone but you." Akagi said.

"Today...I learnt that sometimes the hardest people we meet were earlier as soft as water.... and that's just the tragedy of living."

"Ha ha...right?….I'll tell you something today, remember that Vierne, the path ahead of you is very difficult. People will hate you, curse you, people will throw stones at you.... don't throw them back...collect them and build an empire.

Because you are a strong woman and a Lady Demigod."

-To be continued