Chapter 49: Rules.


A/N: do you want Shiro to create his own country/kingdom or share the Jura Tempest with Rimuru?



Just when Rimuru was shocked by the changes of the goblins, a loud noises suddenly broke through the door.

"Are you awake?! Waga Aruji!"

"...Ranga!?" Rimuru exclaimed looking at the wolf in front of her.

"Yes!" Ranga was too excited, his tail was swaying wildly, the huge rotating force formed a small whirlwind.

"Ahhh!" Rimuru and the shabby house was blown away by it.

When the whirlwind stopped, Rimuru fell down like a... Slime.

"Rimuru-sama, are you okay?"


The surrounding goblins asked with concern.

"I'm all right!" Rimuru shouted.

"I'm very sorry! Please forgive me!! Waga Aruji!" Ranga bowed his head and apologized.

"Sigh... It's okay." Rimuru gently stroked Ranga's head with her liquid hand.

Ranga suddenly squinted, enjoying his master's head pat.

"Even though the house was blown out by ranga's tail, we have to change it. The house is also very old and very small something made of woods is easy to break."

Ranga almost didn't fit in the house when he entered it.

"It must be changed and-." Rimru froze when she saw Shiro coming over riding the majestic Yatsufusa with Winona... Hugging him from behind.

"Yo, so you woke up?" Shiro asked.

"... Yeah, Just woke up." Rimuru jumped onto Shiro's shoulder and looked at Winona triumphantly who just smiled.

"So as I was saying, the houses are too old." Rimuru said looking at Shiro.

"If that's all I can create new houses for everyone." Shiro said as if he was going to draw a house.

"Really?! the-" poor Rimuru was interrupted another time.

"No! Shiro-sama! You have already done enough for us and now it's our turn!" said Rigurd.

"..." Rimuru.

"Yes, Shiro-sama after all this is also our village!" said another goblin '

'*Sob* why is everything so hard?!" Rimuru was nearly crying, but to not lose her dignity she pretend to agree with them.

"T-They are right Shiro!" said Rimuru.

"Rigurd call everyone for an urgent meeting."

"Sigh, well do as you want." said Shiro secretly laughing at Rimuru's hardship.


"Okay guys I am here to talk about rules."

Hearing Rimuru's reminder, the Wolves and Goblins fell silent and looked at Shiro in confusion.

"Why is Rimuru-sama talking about rules?" a goblin asked his friend.

"I don't know."

"Didn't Shiro-sama already told us about it?"

"Let's listen maybe it's some different rules."

"You are right!"

"Ahem, it took you five minutes to calm down." Rimuru deliberately lowered and changed her voice, trying to act like a school teacher, but she overestimated the IQ of a goblin.

"Rimuru-sama, do you have a voice problem?!" asked Rigurd worried.

"Ahem, forget about it." Rimuru quickly tried to hide her embarrassment.

"Did your joke failed... teacher~?" Shiro jokingly said to Rimuru telepathically.

"Shut up, Shi-Baka!" blushed Rimuru.

"Shi-Baka...?" Shiro smiled bitterly.

"Hmph." snorted Rimuru.


"Next I will talk about the rules, there are three rules."

"First you can't attack humans."

"Secondly no infighting."

"Thirdly don't discriminate against other monster!"

"Aside the third rule, everything else is different." said a goblin.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask your questions."

"Hi!" Rigur raised his hand.

"Yes, Rigur-kun."

"Excuse me, why can't we attack humans?"

"Because we are still very weak-"

"You are weak." said Shiro.

"tch... and don't know enough about human beings. If we easily get enemies, it will be very troublesome in the future."

"Besides, if we can be friends with each other, it can also facilitate our survival and development!" Rimuru replied.

"It's really foolish of you to not let go of your past identity as a human being." Shiro knew that Rimuru was too naive.

"I'll add one more thing. If your opponent is malicious, you can't to let them do what they want, you need to fight back with all your strength until the opponent loses the ability to fight back. So remember rule n°3." Shiro suddenly interjected.

"You..." Rimuru wanted to refute, but watching Shiro glaring at her, she swallowed her words back.

"Have you understand?" Shiro raised his voice again when he saw that the crowd did not answer immediately.

""""Yes, Shiro-sama!!""""

"Very good." Shiro got the answer he wanted, so he stopped talking.

"A-And what is rule n°3?" Rimuru asked confused,after calming down.

"Rules number 3, kill anyone who attack us, but only if they attack us!" explained a goblin.

"Since when do you have this rule?"

"It was Shiro-sama who said it, after you named us all."


"Don't care about that, and continue what you were saying." said Shiro.

"Ah, yes!"

"Hi!" A goblin raised his hand. It was the only goblin whose appearance had hardly changed since it evolved.


"Yes? Rimuru-sama!" Gobuta replied.

"You haven't changed at all..."

"I... Don't ... Kn... Know either, Uuuuuaaaah." Gobuta cried directly.

"It's okay, maybe your brain and talents have become better than before."

"Really!?" Gobuta's crying stopped, his eyes was full of hopes.

"Of course, now ask your questions!" Rimuru said trying to cheer him.

"Yes, what does it mean to not discriminate against other races?"

"Just because you have all evolved and become stronger, you can't underestimate the weak, if one day they becomes stronger and comes back for revenge, wouldn't it be troublesome? " Hearing Rimuru's explanation, the goblins nodded.

"I see!" nodded Gobuta.

"Then, Rigurd, I now appoint you as the Goblin King! The leader of the village committee!"

"Goblin King!? Yes I will not disappoint you" Rigurd shouted in tears.

Rimuru looked up at Rigurd and smiled in satisfaction.


So the goblins did the jobs Shiro assigned them as usual,

In terms of food, the fruits and vegetables in the forest are almost inexhaustible.

The same is true for meat. In addition to the monsters in the forest, there are also many ordinary animals, so they they doesn't worry about food.

Even if there is a problem Shiro can easily create infinite foods from nothing.

Shiro first created a few simple watch towers based on simple guardrails, and arranged shifts to ensure 24-hour security.

Just as Shiro watched them training with satisfaction, Rimuru called him.

"Shiro, are you free now?" she asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, you'd better come and take a look, it's not easy to say it... by words."

"All right."

Hearing Rimuru's helpless tone, Shiro knew that he was in trouble, and teleported directly to her.

"What's wrong?" Shiro asked.

"Look at it for yourself." Rimuru said looking at the... Haruna.

"No way!" exclaimed Shiro.

"What?!" asked Rimuru.

"Are you Homo?! Shiro wanted to tease her.


"Oh I understand you need my help as a matchmaker for you, don't worry as your frie-!" Shiro suddenly smiled as if he found the thing.

"SHUT UP YOU BASTARD!!! I'M TALKING ABOUT HER CLOTHES!" shouted Rimuru as loud as possible cutting Shiro.

"Ehehe. Sorry just wanted to tease you!"

"Hmph!" pouted Rimuru.

"Rimuru-sama is there any problem?!" Rigurd appeared out of nowhere.

"No no I was talking about their clothes, they are too revealing!"

"Oh, that's because no one knows the methods to make good dress." Rigurd said the problem.

"Then how did you got it before? Are there any place who make clothes nearby? Oh and also your weapons how do you get them?" Rimuru asked.

"I think it should be the Dwarves." said Shiro.

"Oh so you know that Shiro-sama?!" Rigurd asked.

"It's not that difficult to guess. They are not many countries and kingdoms willing to trade with Goblins, near our villages" Shiro said to Rigurd who was admiring his smartness.

"Dwarves? Are we talking about the dwarves who forge legendary weapons?" Rimuru was interested.

"Yes, I used to travel to the country of the dwarves for trading." Rigurd replied.

"and I dont know if they forge legendary weapons, but yes they are some blacksmiths."

"Then we need to prepare and go to the Dwarf kingdom, by the way, what's the name of the Kingdom?" Rimuru was very excited.

"The official name is Dowāfu no Ōkoku nite."