Chapter 50: Shinra Tensei.

In the end, Shiro and Rimuru took Rigur, Gobuta, and two other goblins to the Dwarves Kingdom.

"See you soon everyone!" Rimuru said to the villagers behind.

"Bon voyage!"

"Have a safe trip, waga kamiyo!" shouted Yatsufusa.

Shiro rode Winona and Rimuru rode Ranga, he let Yatsufusa to protect the village, the latter was very reculant but obeyed his order.

It normally takes two months to walk to the dwarf country but if you use an evolved wolf like winona or ranga, only three days are enough.


After a day of travel, it was already very late Shiro and his companion decided to stop by a River to rest.

Everyone sat around the fire and chatted.

"Speaking of you, who named your brother?" Rimuru asked suddenly.

"it was a high-class Majin named Gelmud-sama, who said that he has great potential."

"Oh? a Majin exists! That's right, Veldora mentioned the Hero before, so it should be normal too."

"What do you think of the Majin, Shiro?" She asked Shiro.

"Too weak."

Hearing him, Rimuru twitched her mouth.

"As expected of Shiro-sama!" the others showed admiration.

"By the way, Gobuta! What kind of kingdom is it?"

"It is a beautiful city transformed from a large natural cave! Not only dwarves live there, but also many elves and humans."

"Elves!" ×2

Rimuru and Winona were not excited but worried about Shiro, that guy is too handsome, they are afraid that he will be snatched away.

So they sneak glanced at him, and sighed in relief seeing that he didn't have any facial change.

"Rimuru-sama, Winona-san?" Gobuta noticed that they were not paying attention to him, so he called them.

"Um, I'm sorry, you continue to say." Rimuru and Winona retreated from their thoughts, blushing a little.

"Yes! The king of the Armed Nation of Dwargon, Gazel Dwargo is called the Heroic King, and he is highly respected by the kingdom."

  "Really? The Heroic King? It sounds amazing. Can monsters like us go in?"

  "Dwargon is a neutral trading city. The king banned all fights in that area. To do this, proves that the military capabilities of the country is high. It is said that the Dwarf Army has never been defeated in millennia."

"That strong?"

"Shiro what do you think?"

"From the evaluation just now, it can be analyzed that he is a Mingjun, so it is worth making friends, but they are still too weak."

"Understood, but can you stop underestimating everyone."



"They are weak."


"And more importantly, I have the strength to do so."

"Sigh, let's talk about it later, this time our purpose is mainly to find craftsmen who can make clothes and houses."


"Everyone go to sleep, we need to wake up early."


Then they all prepared to sleep on the grass, but...



"Can you tell me... WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GOT THIS MANSION?!!" Rimuru shouted pointing at a huge and beautiful Mansion.


"Do you take me for a Fool?!"


"Stop joking and tell me the truth!"



"Why should I?"

"Be... Because... Be... Because..."


"Argh forget it!!" she said annoyed.

"Shiro-sama can I sleep with you?" Winona asked and blushed.

"Wha-" Rimuru was cut another time.

"Of course."

"S-Shiro can I als-"

"Yes don't worry Rimuru, I won't embarras you by asking you to come in my Mansion." Shiro said and entered the mansion with his arms around Winona.

"This Bastard..."

So everyone slept on their own, and the light in the Mansion were off, no one know what is happening inside....


The next day, the group got up and prepared to continue their way

But Rimuru noticed that Winona's face was red and she was also walking weirdly.

"Winona-san, why are you acting weird? Are you sick?" She asked suspiciously.

"A-Ah! No No No I-I..."

"And why is there a fishy smell on you?"

"Don't tell me..."

"..." Winona.


After the small "Discussion" between the girls, the group continued their way, but when they passed by a forest, Shiro stopped.

"Why do you stop?" Rimuru asked.

"There are people fighting over there, you stay here, I will go and have a look." Shiro said.

"No I want come with you."

"Me too." said Winona.

Shiro ignored them and approached the battle place calmly.

Soon they saw the battle, it was a little unicorn who used its speed to fight against a dark wolf.

"Why doesn't it run away?" Rimuru asked.

"He can't run, see." Shiro pointed to a tree behind the battlefield.

There were some little bees and a little scorpion hiding behind it, looking worriedly at the little unicorn.

"So it's fighting desperately to protect its companions?" Rimuru suddenly understood.

"Congratulations Sherlock." Rimuru twitched her mouth.

"You don't save it?"Rimru said.

"I want to see its limits."


Afterwards, the two watched the fight quietly.

Although the speed of the Unicorn was faster than that of the dark wolf, but due to its small size, the defense of the wolf is also very high.

The little scorpion, who had been hiding by the side, suddenly mustered up the courage, and quickly crawled towards the dark wolf, wanting to sting it.

But it strength was too small and it was useless.

The dark wolf also saw the scorpion and rushed towards it.

Seeing his companion in danger, the unicorn flew over and blocked the scorpion with its tiny body.

Not only the unicorn and the scorpion, but even the bees closed their eyes, afraid to watch the next scene.



They suddenly heard the painful howling of the dark wolf, and the sound of a big tree being broken.

They opened their eyes and saw an extremely beautiful human standing in front of them, and the dark wolf was beside the broken tree.

The dark wolf stood up again, and looked at Shiro fiercely, looking for an opportunities to attack.

"What are you glaring at?" Shiro eyes were full of coldness.

"Amaterasu." the dark wolf was instantly burned by the black flames not even the ashes remained.

"Are you all right?" Shiro asked, turning around to look at the unicorn and the scorpion.

But the little unicorn panicked and retreated with the scorpion.

"Don't worry little guy."


The unicorn thought it was an attack and wanted to run, but it found that if it run away, the scorpion would be attacked.

But to its surprise, it was not hurt, it's injuries disappeared instantly.

The unicorn looked up at Shiro in surprise.

"Don't worry, I will not hurt your companion." Shiro approached and caressed the unicorn.

The unicorn enjoyed the caress, and licked Shiro.

After playing for a while with the unicorn, they bid farewell and continued their way.

Finally, not long after, they saw a magnificent city built on the hillside.


"Is this the Armed Nation of Dwargon?"

After three days of journey, they finally came to the dwarves kingdom.

At the gate of the kingdom, several dwarves armed with weapons are inspecting the people entering inside.

About twenty or thirty people were in line waiting for their turn.

In order not to cause unnecessary disputes, Rimuru only took Gobuta there, while the others goblins stayed at the edge of the forest

But there are always some idiots who like to play the thugs.

"Hey, there is a slime that can speak. It's a rare species." A slightly hoarse voice suddenly came from behind.

They looked back and saw a man with his tongue pierced, spinning a knife with his fingers.

"If we catch it, it can be sold at a good price." The man said looked at a swordsman with a red sword in his hand.

"Whatever you want, you just need to tell me whether to do it or not." The swordsman said coldly.

"Okay. Then do it."

"Wait! Isn't it forbidden to fight here? Why don't you follow the rules?" asked Rimuru.

"No, it doesn't count if you haven't entered the kingdom yet." The tongue pierced man smiled coldly

"We give you a chance to follow us obediently. Otherwise, you may get hurt."

"And you an human, why do you brought a goblin

and a slime here? You see we are kind of interested in them, so hand them over." The man said like a rogue looking at Shiro.

Gobuta instinctively panicked and hide behind Shiro, Rimuru wondered what to do, but she was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

But when she was thinking, Shiro suddenly said something.

"Fuck off."

"Otherwise? Are you going to hit me?" the man laughed.

When the people around heard some commotion about a talking slime, they were all watching it with interest and pity.

*Vooohh!! *

Shiro flickered his finger toward the man, and the man was blown after being hit in the face by the flickered wind force.

There was a severe pain in his body, his face was completely distorted, and swollen, his nose was broken, and blood was flowing from it

The man directly fainted and entered a coma stage.

Everyone around them reacted and their eyes were wide open.

"What happened?!"

"How can be defeated just like that?!"

The people in the line all looked at Shiro in a daze when they saw the scene.

"Do you want to die?" Shiro asked coldly.

Everyone around him shivered, and no longer looked at him.

One by one they immediately turned their head.

The few people close to Shiro stepped far away from him.

"What? Damn!" The swordsman rushed at Shiro, and his companion behind him naturally followed.



"Magic Wall!"

Shiro smiled coldly.

"Shinra Tensei."


The attacks and the thugs were blown away by the gravity force.

"How can it be?"

"Is this really human?"

"My flame ball actually..."

The scene suddenly fell into silence, everyone around were in Shock.

"Weakness disgust me." Shiro wasn't disappointed.

Then he released a little bit of his infinite magical power.


"This amount of magic is terrible!" exclaimed Rimuru.

'Great Sage how deep is this?!'

[Error... Error... Error... Error... Error...]

[Impossible to measure the total magical amount of the target!]



When Shiro released his aura the other people were all on their knees, all terrified!

Even the Heroic King, Gazel Dwargo, was shocked by feeling this.

"Immediately call everyone to the Kingdom entrance!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I hope it is not an enemy, this feeling is simply... Terrifying"


Shiro looked at the five people who fled in a hurry, disdainfully.

"Fireball!" He shot a very small fireball at them.





The thugs were all incinerated.

At the same time, Shiro withdrew the released aura and magic elements.

"Shiro, this is too much, right?" Rimuru asked Shiro.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Shiro asked in confusion.

Rimuru didn't answer him, but pointed behind him.

Many innocent travelers were in a coma, on their knees.


The travelers soon woke up and run away from here.

"It will probably be very troublesome now." Rimuru sighed.

"It's okay, chill, they can do nothing anyway!" Shiro is open-minded, so he said casually.

Seeing him acting like that, Rimuru got a bad premonition, and sure enough soon it came true...


Thanks for reading!

If I have 3 wishes, what would I wish for? (No Omni Powers or Unlimited Wish)

1. I want to have every power I know/ don't know/will know, saw/didn't see/will see, heard/didn't heard/will hear, thought/didn't thought/will think, and want, I don't want any power that will make me weak.

2. I want my power to never be lost, erased. Meaning that even if I die I want to reincarnate with my powers, no matter what happens, I will absolutely never lose any of my power.

3. I want to INFINITELY enhance anything and everything be it power/weapons/objects etc... without any side effects.

What world would I travel to?

My first world will be "Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou!" (Since basically I can after go to any world, with my powers)

Would I keep my memories?

Yes, I will keep them.

Would I change my gender?

I will keep my gender.

Would I want an harem?


Huge or small? (The Harem!! Don't think anything weird!)


Which girls would I add in my harem?

YANDERE! *Cough* Undere, Nyandere, Oujodere, Kuudere, Mayadere, Nemuidere, Hinedere, Hiyakasudere, Kichidere, Deredere, Erodere, Goudere, Hajidere, Dandere, Byoukidere, Bocchandere, and Bakadere

Which girls would I never add in my harem?

Utsudere, Usodere, Extreme Tsundere, Onidere, Shundere, Sadodere, Megadere, Kitikudere, Kekkondere, Kanedere, Kamidere, Himedere(aside Erina), Dorodere, Darudere, Bokodere and bitch (Malty)

Would I let other steal my girls?


Would I watch other having s*x with my girls?

Of course not.

Would I share my girls?


Would I cheat on my girls?

Depends on.

Would there be boys in my harem?

Absolutely not.

Would I help other people/protagonist?

No. Why should I?

Would I help others protagonists have an harem?


Would I give away some/all of my powers to anyone for free/exchange?


Would I tell the truth about my power and my previous world to anyone?


Would I hide my strength?

Depends on the situation.

Would I let myself be humiliated/mocked/beaten?


Would I live a normal life?

I will live a normal life with my normal identity and a abnormal life with many new identity. (Like Kaito Kidd)

What would be my personalities/character?

The one I have now.

Would I ever go back to my original world?


Would I go to school?

Depends on the school. If it's like kuoh academy (DxD), Demon King Academy (The Misfit of Demon King Academy), Magic High School (The Irregular at Magic High School) or some slice of life school where you can show off your talents (Sports, Arts, Music, Martial Arts, etc...) then Yes.

Will I NTR'D anyone?


Would I be the slave/servant of someone else?

Not really a slave but more like a cool, handsome and omnipotent butler. (Like Diablo (Tensura), Sebastian (Black Butler), Sōshi (Inu x Boku SS))

Would I hide my true personality/nature?


Would I change my name?


Would I refuse the 3 wishes and opportunity to travel to another world?

Of course not.