Ch.5 Nick Part 1

"Ah, finally. School is over. All my club activities too." I sigh as I open up my locker. "Now as long as I can escap-"

"Hey cutie."

I whip around. 'Oh no,' I think. Its Nick Barlowe, the most popular boy in school. He's been watching my every move since I came to Oakridge High two weeks ago. And for the past few days, he's been coming up to me after school nonstop.

All the girls have started to glare at me because of this, and I have no idea what to do about it. Its almost like he's trying to ruin my life.

"Escape what?" Nick says.

"Um, nothing Barlowe." I say, turning and shutting my locker. As fast as I can, I turn to leave when a hand slams on my locker door. I flinch.

Nick laughs. "Haha." He leans in close under my left ear; I shrink back a little. "Almost makes me want to abandon my publicity for..." At that word, he exhales on my neck.

A tingling feeling runs down my body. I push Nick away.

'Usually he just leans in close to me, why did he have to 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦 on me??'

"What?" He laughs. "I'm just having some fun. Speaking of which, you wanna watch a movie this afternoon?"

I look over at the girls in the hallway who are still at school for extra club activities.

'This is bad,' I thought, 'those girls are staring at me. If I accept to coming to the movies with him, they'll spread rumors and then I'll really be dead. But if I don't accept, they'll screw me over even more for disrespecting their ''king.'''

I sigh. "Yeah sure."

"What was that?" Nick smirks and leans in close again.

This time, I feel my face get hot and push him away. "I said that I'll go, ok?"

He grins and grabs my waist, holding it close to him.

"Hey, watch it!" I half-yell.

'What the heck is he doing??' I think while trying to push him away again but this time he won't let me. My cheeks flush again; I cover them.

"I'll pick you up," he mumbles, "be ready by 7:30p.m. ."

Nick lets go and backs up. He laughs again saying, "I'll save the rest for tonight, but not without your consent milady," bowing and turning to leave.

I furiously shake my head. 'What the heck just happened? Wait... what did he say?' I ask myself, sighing for the 3rd time in the past 10 minutes.

Ugh. Now the only thing I can practically do is get home, do my homework, and get ready for the fate that has been bestowed upon me.

What a wonderful way to start my sophomore year of college.