Ch. 6 Nick Part 2

I get home completely freaked out but not in a good way. The whole drive home I tried to remain calm, but the thought of walking into school tomorrow after those girls saw me with Nick makes me quiver.

I sit down and try to focus on homework, soon finishing Math and half of my English study guide for our upcoming test.

I exhale. "Phew, that's finally done. Now what the heck am I going to wear to this...thing with Barlowe?"

I open up my closet. 'A t-shirt and shorts should be fine, right? No wait, its gonna be cold in the theater. Let's bring a hoodie in case.'

I pull out a light blue t-shirt, light blue hoodie and black shorts and lay them down on my bed. I grab some ankle high socks out of my drawer and lay them next to my white sneakers.

"There, all done. No need to go all out when we're just going to the movies, right?" I stop and slap my hands on my head, realizing the trap I've fallen into. "WHY ARE YOU ACTUALLY TRYING TO PUT TOGETHER AN OUTFIT FOR A DATE WITH BARLOWE?!" I yell at myself.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. 'No way, it can't already be 7:30p.m.? ...Can it?' I check the clock. "Oh crap..."

I quickly throw on the clothes and shoes I laid out, spray some perfume on by instinct, and rush to the door. 'Why am I anxious all of a sudden? Stop. He's no dude you need to fluster over. Keep your composure and open the door. ' I think to myself while taking a deep breath.

I open the door and Nick stands towering above me with flowers.

I look up at him. "Hey cutie." He winks at me and I look away.

"You ready?" he says, handing me the flowers.

My eyes on the flowers I respond with, "Uh yeah, I guess so."

'Why'd he get me flowers?' I think for a moment.

All at once, Nick swoops me up in his arms and starts walking towards his car.

"Barlowe, what are you doing??"

"Bringing my princess to her seat," he grins then leans in, softly saying into my ear, "unless you want to get down?"

I turn away. "No." I say quietly.

He laughs a little and sets me down in the passenger seat, shutting the door. He gets in the other side and turns the ignition. We get on the road.

We sat in silence for about 5 minutes until I couldn't take it anymore. "Whats this movie about anyway?" I ask.

"Its a pretty decent movie, I've seen it a few times myself. It probably goes into the horror genre though."

I hate scary movies. One time I watched one and got almost no sleep for the next week.

Nick glances at me and smiles. "Don't worry, its nothing too bad."

A little shocked by his unusual softness I mumble, "I hope not."

Five minutes later, after dreading what this movie could be, we arrive at the theater. Nick buys us tickets as I reluctantly thank him and we walk to our seats. As we sit down, Nick pushes the movable armrests out of the way between us and the movie begins.

At every slight burst of sound I flinch. Soon I close my eyes to avoid any and every jump scare there is. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. I look over--- its Nick.

As he happily watches the movie, he pulls me in closer until my head is directly on his chest. I feel uncomfortable, not wanting to lay all my weight on him. Eventually though, my muscles give in.

While my head sinks in his chest, all I can hear is a slow, steady heartbeat. Weirdly, my eyes start to flutter shut.