I SEE What You Did There

After quietly pocketing her latest find, Miss Calculated surveys the wreckage rollup one final time before taking a few steps away.

"Hmm, I know you joked about burying her corpse under this mess, but I feel like that would just be excessive at this point? Also, short of re-arranging it all, I believe we've combed over it all well enough to find everything of value, short of gutting the copper to sell for scrap. I imagine that is a bit… Beneath the gentlemen in attendance, though." Deciding she's more interested in continuing on to lunch, Miss Calculated speaks up to redirect the group's attention.

Lucas turns to face her with a large smile, relieved that he didn't need to be the one to call for the end of the impromptu looting session.

"Ah, uh, yeah. Besides, we're already pretty late for lunch as it is, yeah?" Right after Lucas finishes asking this, Jonathan's stomach answers before anyone else has a chance to.