Beep Boop Burn

The assembly of dorks eventually, finally, make it to Miss Calculated's intended destination. Jonathan had spent the majority of the trip there continuing to try to hide his face, with rather limited success.

When they were close, but not quite there yet, Miss Chievous had serenaded the group with an impromptu song. She went on in great detail about her love for lobster tails, as well as the fate held in store for all of the lobster tails that were to soon be brought before her.

Miss Calculated and Miss Masher were both completely unphased by her performance, but Lucas felt similarly inspired by it. Here's hoping the restaurant has a full lobster tank, because they're going to be absolutely decimating it.

Jonathan's groans were rather indicative of his lack of appreciation for her musical talents, and sounded quite similar to those that were going on in Lucas's mind courtesy of 427.