Wrapped Up In Internet Fame

Upon nearly reaching the end of the corridor, Mikah stops in front of the very last of the doors set into the right-side wall. Perforce of their current positioning, Lucas can’t see the nameplate mounted on the door that Mikah is in the process of opening, but he can see the one on the lone door at the end of the corridor.

The visible nameplate is a large golden rectangle affixed to the solitary door at eye level, with a very ornate scrollwork engraving that spells out ‘Mind Flare’.

Once Mikah has opened his targeted door, he freezes after taking half of a step into the room. After making a confused “Huh?” he hesitates for a few moments, giving his overworked brain a chance to process what he’s seeing. Once he realizes just what it is he’s looking at, as well as remembering the events from earlier in the day that led to its occurrence, he doubles over laughing.