Realizations, Redux

Once Mikah has ensured that the desk drawer is securely shut, he wheels his chair back a short distance, getting ready to stand up. However, rather than getting up, he stays in place, visibly lost in thought for a few moments before finally speaking up.

“You know… Isn’t it rather, hmm, fortunate, I suppose? That the bots decided to test out the climate system in advance, with enough time to report the results to us accordingly? That we were caught just in time to put in a request for the masks and everything, mere moments before heading up there ourselves? Sure, coincidences happen all the time, but if you don’t mind my asking, do you have any plans that involve Alley Cat anytime soon?” Once Mikah puts his thoughts into words, Lucas is momentarily thrown off by this non-sequitur.

‘Man, conspiracy theorists must have a ball with Lakshmi.’

Mikah cracks an amused smile, but he keeps up an expectant expression while he quietly awaits Lucas’s answer.