Ruined Keep, Set Me On Edge

[View of Zack]

Once the drop was closed, I looked around to ensure everyone was at a safe distance from me. Everyone was now starting to get off the ground, but some of the people still looked shaken.

This wasn't Nushi's fault, but this might limit the number of people who want to join us. If this was the power of a middle-class E-Ranked Demon, I wouldn't want to know what power the higher ranks could exude.

Making people want to say on the island was kind of the aim. Still, what happened was not my aim, but we didn't really need to be taking more.

I activated my Fire Pact and rose into the air, closing my eyes. I could feel Nushi's presence southwest of me, the direction of home.

[Nushi is back in the Keep in her own room.]

Hearing Harold's voice spooked me, and my eyes snapped open. I had so many things on my mind that I had forgotten that he had access to a map of most of the island.