Tri-Sexual Dirt Puddle, Become Lunch

"Are you saying that Calabro is a danger?!" I asked, but Nushi shook her head no.

I relaxed, but only slightly.

The severe look that Nushi had on her face said that the story was only getting started.

"As I listened, I tried to peer into Calabro's mind, but that's when something extremely strange happened. There was an extremely dark demonic presence unlike I had ever felt. Before I knew what was happening, I was sucked into four different dimensions, fracturing my consciousness," Nushi explained as I listened with rapt attention.

I was no longer resting against the wall. Instead, I was sitting cross-legged in front of Nushi.

I had a creeping suspicion of where this story was going, but I didn't want to interrupt her again. I would let her continue to explain, but my mind had started to race.

Only one demon could do something as impossible as this sounded. Helsin Zero.