Not Meatsss, Never Change

Nushi and I headed from her old room out onto the balcony. The same one I remembered first walking up to come visit Nushi.

It wrapped around the inside of the Keep, but it had lost its luster. The place didn't look the same as the first time I had come in.

The floor was now just wood; the grass that had been there before was now nothing more than memory. The rest of the Keep also looked plain, wood and stone.

As the two of us ran down the stairs, I turned my head to Nushi and asked, "Does this mean Noel was responsible for the way the keep looked before?"

Seeing this now made me wonder how Mex and her had been fooled by Nixi for so long.

"No, my father can also use Spatial Magic, and he was responsible for the entire interior of the Keep. Now the only thing he keeps up is the bathing room since Noel is more capable at this type of Magic than dad," Nushi explained as we opened and then ran out the front door.