Quarrel with Rani

Farel spread his arms in the air as a sign that he had just woken up, the muscles in his hands felt numb from having been asleep for hours. Today he decided to take a break from the office to relieve all the fatigue he had felt lately.

He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to just brush his teeth and wash his face so he wouldn't look wrinkled. After that, he started to leave the room by walking down the stairs to go to breakfast.

Farel's eyebrows blended perfectly, he looked confused because his house was very quiet right now. Ah yes, only a few maids were doing the work they were part of. He meant, where is Zulfa? Not even Ijah was there.

Choosing not to care, he walked over to the dining table whereas usual there was food made by Zulfa that he had never tasted before.

Farel saw a letter located in the middle of the table, which became one of the things that became the main attraction for him. Just a piece of paper, no ribbon or romantic symbols on the outside. Curious, he opened it and found what was inside.

He began to read it silently.

| the contents of the letter |

Assalamualaikum Farel,

Sorry, today I can only cook food that by now maybe in front of you, I haven't learned much about the dishes you like. If you don't like it, just leave it and don't throw it away, later I will give it to those who need it more. I went to the supermarket, shopping for vegetables and other groceries with Ijah. Have a good meal, Farel.


Farel shrugged his shoulders because he didn't care, then returned the paper to its original place. At first, he had no appetite for the breakfast menu which always made him lose the mood, but after reading the letter Zulfa wrote to him, curiosity began to haunt him.

Is this food safe for him?

He sighed, then began to sit on the dining chair while spooning rice onto the plate. He thought it was okay to give it a try, right? After all, there was no way Zulfa intended to poison him.

"Besides, I'm starving, what's more, this dish smells so good that I even have to put my ego aside for all of this."

He saw one of the processed chickens which was like being given soy sauce, he didn't know what it was called. There is also vermicelli which can only be sauteed with complementary ingredients such as meatballs, sausages, eggs, sliced ​​mustard greens, shrimp, and sliced ​​cayenne pepper. Not to mention there are processed beef eye eggs which are like making Balado. Is this food suitable for breakfast? He even doubted it himself.

Instead of thinking much, Farel began to take little by little the side dishes served for him were tasted. "If it doesn't taste good, I'll throw it all away," Farel muttered. Talking like that seemed to prove that he was heartless.

He looked doubtful, before finally cutting a bit of soy sauce chicken and stuffing it into his mouth along with a spoonful of rice.

Farel's eyes widen perfectly. Let's just say it's outdated, old-fashioned, or whatever, but Zulfa's cooking is delicious! Where has he been all this time? Being in Indonesia but never tasted the authentic cuisine of this country? He felt like a lost person.

Farel smiled then started to eat what he had eaten, he didn't even hesitate to add side dishes. Zulfa is very good at cooking. How come he never appreciates it? Ah, he's a bad guy, just realized now...


At the same time, Farel choked on the food he was chewing because he was startled by the screams of the girl he loved so much. He immediately drank mineral water to neutralize the pain that spread to his nose, gosh he was very surprised.

"What's wrong with you?" Farel asked annoyed. "You came here without greeting, suddenly startled me who was eating, can't you see that I'm having breakfast quietly? I'm choking, baby." he continued when he saw the girl who became his lover standing right beside him.

Rani chuckled, then put away all the plates that served Zulfa's food, including the plates that Farel used to eat. "Food isn't healthy for you, Farel. You can wait for me to bring you breakfast, why can't you be a little patient?!" Her anger was not without reason, but she was afraid that just because this could make her lose badly to Zulfa, who was already worthy of the position as a wife.

"As far as I know, home cooking is much healthier and tastier. And I've already proven it dear, Zulfa's cooking is very good and I love it."

"But not this kind of food, watch me bring you cereal and sandwiches for you."

"I'm bored of eating food like that every morning, wanting to eat junk food is also not healthy in the morning like this. So, what's wrong with eating Zulfa's food? This food has no poison."

"If I say no, then no, Farel." Rani put the lunch box she brought from home right in front of Farel. She looked at the man with sharp eyes, not willing if her lover enjoyed another woman's cooking.

"Why did you forbid me to do that? If you misunderstand Zulfa's cooking, you better bury those feelings because you haven't tested it yet."

"I don't want to! I tried my best to maintain a relationship with you, Farel. And you opened a gap for Zulfa? I don't want to taste the food,"

Farel rolled his eyes, then took another plate he used to eat. Without listening to Rani's words, he returned to eating Zulfa's food with a feeling that no one could guess.

"What are you doing Farel? I said don't continue, what if this is just Zulfa's ploy to win your heart, huh?!"

Many times Rani kept the plate in front of Farel away. But this time she put the plate so far away that the man couldn't reach it.

Farel sighed softly because he was trying to be patient, then ended his breakfast with mineral water. "Yeah, I'm listening to you, what's going on...? I'm having breakfast, you're bothering me. You better sit, stand up like that angry, what are you trying to do?" he said trying to neutralize his annoyance at Rani, why be emotional just because of the breakfast menu?

"You! If I forbid you will always be violated, why do I make a ban?"

"Yes, because prohibitions are there to be broken dear, the more you ban the more I wonder why you always forbid me to enjoy what Zulfa has done for me."

"Yeah, what if you fall in love with him? What about my fate?!"

Rani's face looks annoyed which makes Farel get up from the chair, then hug the girl affectionately. "Sorry, I'm so hungry, baby... even though I ate last night," he says trying to reconcile with Rani, if the girl gets angry, the effect of anger can be very long.

Rani sighed, trying to neutralize the irritation that was created earlier. "You can wait for me, you don't need to eat Zulfa's cooking. Am I late or what?"

"Well, how about I block my stomach first with Zulfa's cooking? It's delicious, you have to try it."

'Nice?' Rani thought, furious with Farel's statement praising this overly simple dish.

Instead of getting calmer, Rani looks very angry. What's this? Has Zulfa started to win Farel's heart from her?

Rani pushed Farel's chest hard, making the man unable to hug her. She took the plate that was on the dining table with a quick motion, then looked for the trash and threw away all the food.

Farel stared flatly with cold eyes at Rani. He doesn't like it when his girl has shown a very bad nature, which is too easy to judge anything and get rid of what he doesn't like. Though the food can still be enjoyed for lunch but just thrown away.

He realized why Zulfa always forbade him to throw away food as he pleased, apparently seeing people wasting food was like not being grateful for what God had given him.

"You're going too far, Rani."

"Am I outrageous? You should have said that to Zulfa!

"She's just doing her job as a wife, Rani. Nothing more. Besides, why do you always make a fuss? This is my first time trying Zulfa's cooking, as a husband, it's natural."

"In that case, I also want to be your wife so I can carry out my duties. Wait, husband? oh... so you already think of yourself as the husband of that woman, right?"

Farel sat back on the dining chair, then supported his chin while looking at Rani who was now angry. The girl was too jealous, she massaged the bridge of her nose that felt sore until it spread to her head.

"Hm, here I am eating the bread and cereal you brought me," Farel said in a very soft tone, he chose to give in to problems getting longer even if only because of a small problem. Because he understands if fire cannot meet fire and one of them must be water to extinguish it.

Rani bends her smile, but no doubt she obeys Farel's words and sits right across from the man. "Do you need me to help you eat?" She asked.

Farel nodded, he chose to obey Rani's words. Rather than the girl acting alone again, it's better this way. He was thinking about apologizing to Zulfa about this.

"Isn't it delicious? I was too hasty in making it for fear of oversleeping when I got to your house, it feels right on your tongue, right?"

"Yes, delicious."

"I'm confused about what menu to make for you, I want to make your steak but it's still early and this is a high-calorie menu, I don't want your diet to be unbalanced."

Farel did not answer Rani's words, he left the long words spoken by his lover.

Rani raised an eyebrow to see Farel who was silent while staring blankly at the trash can she used to throw all Zulfa's cooking. She finally decided to get up from her seat, then threw the spoon in her hand carelessly. "UP TO YOU, HONESTLY IF YOU ARE THINKING OF ZULFA RIGHT NOW?! I WANT TO GO HOME IF YOU ARE LIKE THIS!" She shouted because she could not stand to see her lover as displeased with the food she threw away.

Farel gasped, immediately returned to the real world. He saw Rani who had left the dining room stomping her feet in annoyance. "Hey baby, wait! It's not like that, you misunderstood.. don't be angry, come back!" he said, patting his forehead, for he was provoking the girl again.

Ah, so that guy looks like all aspects are wrong huh.. let alone having two women like this. He has not undergone polygamy but already feels dizzy.

Rani continued to walk until she disappeared in front of the main door of Farel's house, even the girl did not pay attention to the man's apology.

"It seems I have to think about Zulfa's words to marry Rani, even that girl has a much different nature from my current wife."

Farel was silent, he did not chase Rani's departure. Somehow he felt so guilty right now. I don't know, maybe it's just a feeling.

| message room |


Sorry, all your cooking was wasted by Rani. When you reach home, you have every right to be angry with me.

Sending message.


He took a deep breath, now he had nothing else to do. Waiting for Rani to subside from her emotions, and waiting for Zulfa's anger. Yes, he is a greedy man who wants to have both. Now that he feels that the two women in his life have chosen to leave, he must have realized then that he had made the wrong decision.


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