Go to Amira Boutique

"Ijah, is it okay to take a taxi? So you can get home first. I want to stop by the boutique. While there aren't many customers, I'll be lazy to queue if it's too late to get there."

"Okay madam, no problem," replied Ijah while nodding her head.

Zulfa looked at Ijah who was now starting to walk away and smiled sweetly when the middle-aged woman said 'be careful on the road' while waving goodbye.

Her hands began to fumble for the car keys in the sling bag slung over her body, preparing to get into the car. She already had an appointment with a friend who did set up a boutique that wasn't very well known, but the quality was unquestionable. Isn't that great? Items that are quite cheap on par with other branded goods, for women it seems, are certainly an advantage.


Zulfa raised an eyebrow when she heard the voice of a small child calling, she finally decided to turn to the source of the voice and saw Jeje who was running towards her. Gosh where she is, there must be Jeje. Is this a coincidence? Or does destiny's path gradually bring her together with someone she should be the focus of?

"Hey Jeje, how are you?" Zulfa said in a soft tone while looking at the figure of a small child who was still running towards her, Jeje was holding a pink heart-shaped balloon.

Jeje smiled cheerfully, then the little girl kissed Zulfa's hand. "Assalamualaikum, Auntie." She greeted in a very gentle tone of voice.

Zulfa smiled and stroked the top of Jeje's head. "Waalaikumsalam, who are you with? Why are you in a big supermarket like this? Where is your father?" Countless questions finally came out of her mouth, yet every time she met Jeje, the man she meant always came later.

"No need to ask much, I'm here."

Zulfa jumped when she heard a deep voice that sounded like it startled her, moreover, his tone sounded very flat and cold. She turned around and found Kevin smilingly standing with his hands in his trouser pockets. Looks cool.

"E--eh?" Zulfa suddenly became confused. She didn't know what to answer, she was embarrassed to remember that she kept asking as if she was looking for the man's whereabouts. Actually no, she was just afraid that Jeje would disappear or something because her parents were negligent.

Kevin laughed lightly when he saw Zulfa's current facial expression, he thought it looked a little adorable. Then he walked over to Jeje and picked up his little daughter, his hand outstretched to affectionately pinch her tiny nose. "It's Jeje's habit, she likes to run away from me. What will happen if you get lost or get kidnapped? Father will never be able to find a child like you again, dear." he said to Jesse.

Hearing Kevin's attention to Jeje, of course, Zulfa's heart warmed. According to her, a man who takes care of small children is the sweetest thing.

"After all, Father, if you walk so slow as a snail, I will run like the wind!" Jeje said.

Kevin just shook his head, unable to understand the performance of his little daughter's brain. Then after that, he turned his gaze towards Zulfa perfectly. "Where are you going? Why did you tell the old lady to go home first?" he asked, which had been on his mind all along, not of much importance.

Zulfa smiled awkwardly. "I just wanted to— ah I wanted to go to my friend's boutique." She stammered. She scratched her cheek that didn't itch, every time she met Kevin it would be like this, especially considering the man was very generous to others.

"Can I come with you, Auntie? I'm bored here all the time, want to go for a walk but Dad is busy," said Jeje.

Jeje took out a puppy eye stance which unfortunately couldn't make Zulfa refuse the sweet request. Finally, she scratched the back of her neck not knowing what to say. It doesn't matter, it's just... Hey, she just met a guy whose father status is Jeje or yes, he's not a muhrim.


"We'd better go home, dear. Don't disturb Aunt Zulfa's activities," said Kevin.

Before Zulfa managed to answer Jeje's request, Kevin had said something that made the little girl lower her smile, even Jeje's face looked sad with clear crystals on her eyelids visible.

Zulfa smiled warmly. Then took Jeje from Kevin's arms.

"Come on, let's have breakfast together," Kevin said while kissing Jeje's forehead.

It is undeniable, Zulfa is a figure who easily adapts to small children. Making small children comfortable and feeling protected is part of her hobby.

"I'm coming, if Jeje is with you, I still have to be careful because we are still strangers. I just want to take care of my child, that's all."

Zulfa nodded, she agreed so that later Jeje could go home with Kevin soon. "Yes of course you come with me, you can use your car--"

"No, I'll drive your car," said Kevin who cut the woman's words while taking the car keys in Zulfa's hands. Suddenly it made the owner immediately annoyed because the man touched her hand.

"Keep your distance, Kevin. We're not muhrim, don't you remember that?" Zulfa said while blowing her hand hoping that Kevin's touch on her hand would disappear.

Kevin just nodded and apologized sincerely then started to get into Zulfa's car, he was the one driving while Zulfa and Jeje preferred to sit in the back seat.

"You think I'm your driver? Move over here, you sit in the front seat." Kevin asked while looking at Zulfa through the rear window of the car.

Zulfa shook her head, then ignored Kevin and preferred to play guessing games with Jeje. Kevin just sighed.

After getting the location indicated by Zulfa, Kevin started to park his car in a fairly large yard that spans the second floor of the building marked 'Amira Butik'.

"Come on, we're here," Zulfa said while holding Jeje's hand. "Kevin, please open the door for me."

Kevin got out of the car, then opened the back door for access to the woman who had stolen his little daughter's heart. Just imagine every minute Jeje will ask where Zulfa is, making him dizzy, even though he doesn't even know where the woman in question lives.

"Father, will Aunt Zulfa see me again?"

"Dad, aunty what are you doing?"

"Dad, Jeje wants to meet auntie."

"Father, Father, and Father, Jeje misses Aunt Zulfa very much."

And yes, that's a question that Jeje often asks Kevin. Fortunately, fate is now on the side of his little daughter.

They started to enter the shop through the door provided for the owner, Amira Putri Fahirah.

"Can we enter the shop, Fa? The shop is still closed because it's still early," said Kevin, asking.

Zulfa turned to Kevin with a nod of her head. "Since this belongs to my friend, it's fine to enter before the shop opens." She answered in a simple voice. She started directing Kevin to enter the shop.

Kevin followed Zulfa, surveying every inch of the shop. Simple but feels like a sweet home that can make many visitors long for a peaceful home, a good design to attract visitors.

"Hi, Fa. Would you like to take your order, would you? Wait a minute, I've made it especially for you with a nice design upon request. You guys just sit down first." said Amira kindly.

Zulfa chuckled seeing Amira who was very chatty, she didn't even say anything but was greeted so warmly. She lowered Jeje from her arms so the little girl could sit on one of the red sofas. As for herself, she prefers to look at her cell phone.

1 message notification from Farel.

| message room |


Sorry, all your cooking was wasted by Rani. When you get home, you have every right to be mad at me.


Zulfa smiled bitterly. She was used to being treated like this.

| message room |


It's all right, Farrell.


That was all she could type.

Zulfa took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. She could no longer cry over painful things. After all, why cry over something so insignificant? She and Farel could never be together. If she can, Farel should do it.

Very sad.

| message room |


Where are you, Fa? I didn't work today, and you haven't been back since this morning when you left.


I'm at the boutique, taking orders for my clothes. Why ask where I am?


Do you have breakfast?

Zulfa raised an eyebrow. Since when did Farel wonder with so little concern? Is she happy? Of course! But this seemed strange to her. Farel can't change his love for her in such a short time, right?


Why, Farel? why do you ask like that? Usually, I breathe one air with you, you don't care


Yeah, I'm just asking, since I haven't seen you since I woke up, maybe I'm too tired.


Okay, you just take a break.


| message room ends |

Zulfa put her cellphone back in her sling bag with a feeling that can't be explained in detail. Then she turned to look at Jeje who was already joking with Kevin.

Very sweet. If only her relationship with Farel could run as smoothly as before, of course, it would not be difficult to have children and live happily, spreading love and harmony to each other. Unfortunately, it's just a parable of the word 'if', which means only mortal hope.

"Fa, this is the dress you ordered."

Zulfa's attention was distracted. She looked at Amira who with a sweet smile handed her a brown paper bag. She took it. "Thank you, Ra. I have transferred the money, has it entered your account?" She asked afraid of forgetting to pay for her friend's work.

Amira nodded her head while adjusting the position of the long scarf wrapped around her neck to neutralize the cold air. A beautiful girl, and of course very polite even though she talks a lot.

"You're already in, take it easy. By the way, who's the boy and girl over there? Where's Farel? Why are you coming with them?"

Zulfa's body seemed to freeze. She didn't know how to answer Amira's question, nor could she be honest about what had happened.

"I'm a widower, Jeje's father is close to Zulfa. Don't think like that,"

The two women jumped in surprise at Kevin's deep voice that suddenly greeted their ears.

"Gosh, you look like a ghost!" Amira protested while rubbing her chest, trying to neutralize her beating heart which was getting faster.

Amira looked Kevin up and down. The man who she thought was very handsome, even far when compared to Farel. Hot single parent, yes, that's the nickname she now responds to when she sees the widower.

Zulfa saw Jeje who had fallen asleep in Kevin's arms, the little girl fell asleep quickly. "Come on, I'll take you home." She said to Kevin, did she lose her responsibilities like that? "Amira, I'll say goodbye first, sorry Jeje was asleep." Turning her attention back to the young girl, she continued.

Amira looked at the people who had left the shop with a surprised look because it was not natural for a woman to leave the house with another man. It seems Zulfa has a problem with Farel. As far as she knew, the woman had never walked out with any man during her marriage.

"Ah, let it go, none of my business."

Meanwhile, now Zulfa, who had been leading the way, immediately slowed down so that she could be by Kevin's side. "How can Jeje sleep so fast, Vin?" She asked while looking at Jeje's face which looks very sweet.

Kevin looked at Zulfa. "Yes, he was already complaining of sleepiness and asked to hurry home."

"Ah, I see, come on, let's get in my car and I'll get it right away." She said with a sweet smile. She was so grateful for Jeje's presence, at least all her chaotic thoughts evaporated for a moment.

Kevin nodded his head, then before putting his little daughter into the back of the car, he put his face close to Zulfa's ear. "If you take me to the harbor of the heart, can you? I haven't had someone to rely on for a long time."


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