Jeje Says Kevin Misses Zulfa

"Dad, are we going to meet Mommy Zulfa? Is she going to play with me again until we get home? I miss her so much."

Hearing the happy words of Jeje, who now wants to pick up Zulfa at the woman's house, because she has one promise that makes her little daughter hope every night, of course, she can't bear to just cancel it.

Nodding his head, Kevin gave a very small smile. He looked at Jeje who chose to sit beside him, watching the scenery outside the car. "Yes dear, but I don't think Mommy Zulfa can come back to our house for the night. Right now, as Dad said, Mommy Zulfa is busy so she can't stay with us for too long," he said understanding. Just like any other child, Jeje likes to hope for something and as a parent, he has to set the record straight.

Jeje who was busy looking at the cars and motorbikes that seemed to be racing each other finally turned to her father with very innocent eyes, she blinked her eyes 3 times and then stopped.