Honeymoon : Feeling Dislike

"Today I want everything to be done, no one should go home if work is still piling up. The company is growing rapidly, don't waste this opportunity by being lazy."

The employee who heard that immediately nodded their head, understanding what their boss was saying.

One hour before lunch, Farel asked representatives from each division of employees working in his company to hold an impromptu meeting. He is like that, a workaholic who doesn't want his employees to be lazy like they have nothing to do. It doesn't matter if you are busy with piles of paper and documents, as long as you do it right and don't put off work that will pile up the next day.

"Yes sir, noted."

"Yes, Mr. Farel!"

Farel nodded, satisfied with his always obedient employees. He works as a CEO very well in carrying out his duties, moreover always understands what employees want.