CHAPTER 59 : The awakening of White dragon

The old man waved his palm and wholly neutralized the attack.

" Vacuum palm." The old man attacked him. But the man easily blocked it with his own body.

" Hmm, so weak. Now eat my punch, ' Dragon Punch.' " The man shouted. A large amount of essence qi around him concentrated and entered inside his body. Then he appeared beside the old man and started punching at him randomly.

But the old man dodged them all using his movement technique.

That time, Menglou, Mie lien, and Aunt Bai reached that place. Aunt Bai carried the little Xiuying with her hands. They quickly approached beside the injured Tang Zimo. Menglou promptly tended to his injuries.

" Husband, you are hurt. " She said while covering his left shoulder with a white cloth.

He nodded and looked at the sky. They all looked and saw a white hooded figure rapidly attacking an old man while the old man kept dodging all the attacks.