CHAPTER 60 : A new journey

"Xiaodi, they have taken our mother." Mie lien said. Then her eyes turned red, and drops of tears fell on the ground.

"What happened here?" Joey asked.

All of them remain quiet.

"Can any of you tell me?" He asked again.

"Boy, you and Mie lien follow me. I will tell you the whole story." The old man said.

They both nodded and followed him.

Inside the room, they sat in front of the old man.

"Long time ago, a black dragon appeared in this city. It went berserk and started killing everyone in the city. That time, no one was strong enough to stop its killing. So every expert in the city, including me, is ready to fight all out with it." He told them.

"Then a white color dragon appeared and stopped it. That was the first time I met your mother." 

Then the old man continued telling them the whole story. At the end of the story, the siblings shed tears.

"Grandpa, where did they take my mother?" Joey asked.