CHAPTER 70 : Entering the forbidden place

"Manager Li, I am not here to fight with you. Also, I am not insane enough to provoke a beast tamer. Let's stop here. Why don't we settle this matter peacefully." The old Gao suggested. ( Gao is the surname of Fire Nation's royal family.)

"How about we settle this matter between us?" Manager Li proposed to him.

"Alright, alright." He agreed and looked at elder Chen Lei and said," You two must leave now. I will settle this matter with Manager Li alone."

Then Chen Lei glared at Manager Li once and took his leave together with Duyi.

When they were not far away from the hotel, Manager Lie shouted using his essence qi," Elder Chen Lei, for destroying my hotel. As compensation, I will take one of your soul stone mines inside the city." 

"Your Highness, please follow me. This place is not good for our discussion. Let's go somewhere quiet." Manager Li said, and then he flew toward the direction of his office. Old Gao also followed behind him.