CHAPTER 71: Choosing Hell's path

Inside the forbidden place, four figures were currently walking toward the center of the place. There was a small hill at that place.

"What shall we do now?" Manager Li asked.

"Manager Li, please follow my steps closely. Nothing will happen to us." Joey said.

Long Ai was guiding him in his mind. This place was filled with arrays and hidden traps. One wrong misstep, then it would be done for them. But, these levels of magical arrays were child's play to Ai.

They had walked through safely for almost half an hour until they heard a roar of a beast around them.

Then, suddenly a lvl 7 leopard jumped toward them. At that time, both Manager Li and Wu Tong attacked the beast. 

"Stop! It is an illusion." Joey shouted, but it was too late. An array activated, and both of them were pulled inside a void and vanished from there.

"Uncle Li!"

"Brother Tong!" They shouted.

"Joey, are they fine?" Chun Hua asked worriedly.