CHAPTER 152 : Burning Kun Peng's essence blood!

Then Joey with pitch-black eyes chanted a spell again along with some hand gestures and shouted, "Demonic Life Essence qi sucking technique, activate! Again."

Then a black essence qi came out from Joey's body and started moving toward those five who were currently laying on the ground paralyzed. It flew toward them and entered inside their bodies.

Soon, all of them except for Rose started to turn their eyes pitch-black. Then, they all had entered into a state of ecstasy. 

"Hah! Why is she not affected?" Joey with pitch-black eyes exclaimed and asked with surprise.

At that time, Rose slowly stood up. Then, she started chanting a spell in Kun Peng's language in a strange tone. And she finally shouted, " Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn all of my Kun Peng's blood essence!"

After that, the black essence qi that entered inside her body started to expel from her body slowly.