CHAPTER 153: Joey vs The Corruption Beast!

Joey thought something and quickly shouted, "Lotuses, vanish all!" Then, all the one thousand lotuses of various colors suddenly disappeared into thin air.

"You stand still there!" He pointed at the black-eyed Joey and ordered.

The black-eyed Joey stayed fixed on the spot. He tried to move. But, the law inside this place holds him tight. 

Joey quickly approached him and asked, "I will ask you only this once. Who are you? You can speak now."

"Boy, do you think this will be over here? Kekekeke, come on kill me. Let's meet outside this place." The black-eyed Joey replied.

"Fine, you can die now," Joey said.

Just after he said that the black-eyed Joey screamed with pain, and quickly disappeared from that spot.

At that time, the black-eyed Joey outside held his head and screamed with pain, "Aaahhh!"

Then, both the souls of Joey and the Corruption Beast were sucked inside a space. Now, Joey started remembering everything.