CHAPTER 197: Never Become His Enemy, a friendly warning from Madam Fen

Hai Yun hugged him from his back and started crying with delight.

"Brother Joey, today is my best day. I promise you that I will always devote my life to you faithfully and will always follow you all my life. From now onward, I belong to you both in soul and body. " She said softly.

Joey turned her over and started kissing her. Hai Yun returned back his kiss. Then they lay on the ground slowly while kissing. 

Soon the two started kissing again passionately. Then, Joey's hand slowly move down and touched her honeypot.

"Aaaahh! Ouch, It hurts!" Hai Yun screamed with pain and started complaining while pouting cutely, "Not there again."

"Why?" Joey asked with a grin in a teasing way.

Her face suddenly flushed. She moved closer to his ear and whispered shyly, "You big baddie. That place is sore right now. I can't even move a muscle of my legs.  " She started acting coquettishly to him.