CHAPTER 198: Joey Vs Asura Warrior

" Who really is this boy? And what is his real origin? Now, I even want to know more about him. Even, the famous Hall Of treasure who is the number one in gathering information even started to block all of his pieces of information from reaching the ears of other powerhouses. I have already even planned to give him a position as an elder. Alright, I will give him something that will be more enticing to him instead. " He murmured.

Then, he remembered something about that day and made a grin, "Sect Master of the Three Thousand Poisons Sect, Yumen Tai. You were so disrespectful to me during the beginning ceremony of the Open Alchemy Contest. It is because of your background that everyone is bearing with your ridiculous attitudes. Heeheehee! This time, let's see what will happen to you."
