CHAPTER 239: killing Without Lifting a Single Finger!

Joey also opened up his eyes, saw the dried up and old-looking corpses of the 7 elders sitting crossed legs on the ground before him.

"Ah, just what the hell is really happening outside here. Did I just go overboard in sucking their essence qi? Hmph, " Joey sighed and murmured, "May all your souls rest in peace. We don't have any enmity between us, your only mistake which links to my karma is that you join this damn Sect. What a freakish thing! I should be more careful while handling that mass of the Corruption ball from onward. I don't really like something like this to happen once again." He warned himself as he didn't really like something exactly like this to happen again. He liked everything to be perfectly under his control.

Seeing the things that were transpiring just now, a commotion started among the disciples of the Sect around there.