CHAPTER 240: Causing Topsy-Turvy In The Ten Thousand Poisons Sect

After she  finally completed channeling the spell in her hands, she shouted, "My Extreme Fire Essence qi, Come Forth." And then a white color fire suddenly appeared above his hands. Just after it appeared, the surrounding temperature rapidly started falling at an instance. 

Joey also exclaimed with surprise, "Ah, a tier 9 alchemist essence Fire!" An odd sensation of chilling swept through his body.

"Right, I am an alchemist like you. Heeheehee, that looks of yours, so handsome. Are you that surprised? I heard that you are the champion of this term's Open Alchemy Test and you could even summon a tier 9 alchemist essence fire. After hearing that I have been dreaming of exchanging a move with you with my essence fire. Quickly, summon your essence qi." She said in a manly voice that she had disguised herself.