CHAPTER 291: The Trial-7 The Forbidden Heart Devouring Dragon Technique

"Brother, you are so slow. Can't you even figure that out? That means Chun Churan is our enemy, a spy." The petite Cheng Pu explained patiently.

"Oh, you are right, brother. She knocked us down. " The fatty Cheng Yu turned his head and saw Joey lying on the ground beside Boldy Cao. "Did she do that to him?" he continued, pointing at Joey.

At a glance, the wise and petite Cheng Pu figured out what really happened after Chun Churan knocked them out. He sighed and muttered under his breath, "Hah, what a heartless bitch?!" 

"Hey, what are you two just staring at?" Baldy Cao shouted. "Chun Churan turning out to be the spy and the princess of the Beast Taming Royal Family is big news. We need to get back to the headquarters first and report about it soon." 

The twin brothers appeared beside them. "Is he okay?" The petite Cheng Pu asked.

"Hmm, he will live. You carry him up. We are leaving now." The Boldly Cao replied.