CHAPTER 292: The Trial-8 The Legacy of The Black Dragon King!

At that time, several elders and various other experts of the Secret Dragon Society began to appear around that place one by one. They all came thereafter that commotion.

One of them removed the pile of bricks, getting Chief Gou Jing out from under it. He was the Dean of Military Affairs of the Secret Dragon Society, called Gui Li.

"What is happening, Chief? And how are you in this state?" The Dean, Gui Li asked.

"I'm under the paralyzing effect of Joey's Dragon Heart Root skill. Quickly undo it. I will explain later." Chief Gou Jing replied.

The Dean Gui Li made various hand seals, using his essence qi, and tapped on Chief Gou Jing's forehead. "Unseal!" And soon the paralyzing skill got dissolved, making him able to move again.

Gui Li looked up at Joey, who was now standing in the air holding a long sword, with his hand raised towards the sky. "Chief Gou, isn't that your protegee, Joey? Is all this commotion caused by him?" He asked.