CHAPTER 295: The Trial 11- A Foe or a lover?

.... Fine, then I will not go easy on you." Chun Churan said while looking over the dead body of the giant golden dragon on the ground sentimentally. She picked up the small pouch hanging on her waist. Then she infused some of her essence qi into it and threw it up in the air. 

When the small pouch was made from some kind of animal skin levitated in the air, Chun Churan began chanting a spell in a strange language, making various hand seals. She finally completed and shouted, "Released my animal pouch. Released all of them!"

Just after she finished her word, the small animal-skin pouch first began to enlarge and gradually reached the size of three times the size of an adult elephant could fit inside that pouch and it stopped growing. Then the next moment, a bright light came out of it, covering all around in a vast range and a loud sound of explosion followed. 

When the bright light deemed, the sky was filled with small dots.