CHAPTER 296: The Closing Of the trial-1

Then the eyes of the two drifted and saw the drops of blood flowing down from Joey's right hand, holding his azure-green long sword.

"Hmm, that's the result of holding back at the last moment." Chun Churan said coldly. "Do you even know why this technique is called the Heart Devourer Sword Dragon Technique?"

Joey remained unresponsive.

"The wielder of this technique needs to have only one thought in their mind that is their sword. The moment you give up your heart to your sword, you don't have any right to continue having feelings for me. It will only hold back the power of the sword in your hand. " Chun Churan further added, sniggering. "Hmm, don't tell me that there is still a feeling for me in that hollow chest of yours?! Ha ha ha, what a joke? "