Crafting Tier-4 Artifacts!

The black phoenix, Bao Er, returned the next day with all the materials she was supposed to collect from the Hall of Treasure's headquarters.

Chun Churan received a transmission from her in the afternoon to come and meet her in their appointed place. 

So she first informed Joey and went out to meet the black phoenix.

Within a few minutes, Chun Churan reached the hill, which was actually their meeting spot.

Just as she reached there, a beautiful girl clad in a black dress jumped toward her, yelling cheerfully, "Master, you're back!"

Chun Churan caught her from the air, hugged her tightly, and placed her on the ground. 

"Bao Er, do you bring everything I have written on the list?" she asked in a kind tone as she patted her head.

"Um," the Black Phoenix in the little girl's form nodded her head, and she reached out her hand and gave a greenish space ring to her.