A Fire Base Sword Artifact!

As Joey and Chun Churan stood up and dressed after an over five-hour love-making session inside the armament crafting hall, they exchanged look after look.

"What?" asked Chun Churan.

"Nothing! I just feel that you look more adorable than ever. " Joey responded as he sat back on the rocking chair again.

"Hmm, you are always so sweet with your tongue." Chun Churan walked toward the piles of weapons and picked one slender butterfly sword that caught her attention.

Then she used some of her sword martial style, dancing and swinging the sword.

"You like it?" Joey asked while shutting his eyes.

"Yep, I love it." Chun Churan responded while she continued practicing her beautiful sword style, swinging it beautifully in the air.

 "It would be much better if this came with another similar long sword, as my sword technique relies on double-handed swords. Could you make another one for me? Pretty please,"