News Of War In The Eastern Continent!

As Joey suggested, Chun Churan took 85% of the weapons and left, kissing him goodbye and also in order to send another errand for the next batch of materials.

Joey took the remaining 15% of weapons; the 25 Tier-4 weapons, and went to the manor of Jugge Huan, the Alchemy Chef. Afterward, he exchanged pleasantries with Jugge Huan, enjoyed some tea celebration with him, and left after giving the 25 Tier-4 weapons to Jugge.

Then returning back to his room, Joey started cultivating the Divine Smithing Cultivation Technique.

The next day, Chun Churan entered his room bringing the next batch of materials.

She passed a space ring to him and after that, she said, "Lord Husband, something big has happened in the Eastern Continent." And she continued, "It's regarding the Tang Nation."

Hearing that, his attention was on her and Joey asked, "Anything bad?"