Unsealing Sun Wokong Seal!

The green arrow projected high above in the sky and as it started descending, it transformed into a greenish snake with a pair of horns on its head.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Hissing, the green snake slithered through the air quickly toward Zhuyan.

Instead of preparing to counter the incoming green snake, the deathly weapon, Zhuyan grinned and folded his arms around his chest.

In an instant, the green snake reached and opened its mouth, showing its fangs, and was about to bite Zhuyan's neck. 

He ducked his head slightly and caught the green long snake with his teeth, crunched it, and soon it transformed into the original arrow, broken into shreds.

"Hmm, if this all you lot can give me then you better step back and call your lazyass Patriarch here," he said.