Zhuyan Vs Bai Buji!

A large region around the large city turned deeper, and barren as almost all of the earth's crust with over the thickness of 15 feet was uprooted with everything; plants and weeds grew on them and put them into the mustard Spatial Seed.

All the citizens from within the city, and elders witnessed that horrifying scene of the impossible feat pulled out by that giant monkey standing in the air.

"Hahaha, that's more like it. I will replant them in Canon City." Zhuyan said.

And everyone was like, 'Hey you dunderhead, damnable monkey! If you like mango trees so much then why don't you just plant them yourself from seed? Why take our soil?' It was the same thought that came to everyone's mind but no one dared to utter it.

In light of those strange events, the fourteen elders surrounding him became aware that in terms of strength, he was way beyond their abilities.