Monk Tan Hua!

Just as the heavy wind blast from the giant ape's kick was about to hit the city, a golden gigantic hand materialized and blocked it.

"Humph!" Zhuyan, the ape king snorted, and then he made a striking down motion in the air with his iron staff which was now two handspans in length.

Then a virtual flaming virtual staff appeared out from the iron staff and struck the golden gigantic hand covering the sky.


With a loud booming sound, the golden gigantic hand was destroyed into multiple specks of tiny natural chi's and soon disappeared within the air.

"Come out already, you dirty monk! I see you," Zhuyan said, looking far to an island.

A spatial fluctuation occurred in the air and the next thing, a beefy, muscular monk wearing a saffron robe appeared, standing in the air. He wore a mala with fifteen-something greenish jade balls around his neck.