An Encounter With A Rank 9 Fieyi Snake!

For another month, Joey engaged in crafting artifacts and finally, was able to make Supreme Grade Rank-5 artifacts. Also, he had another breakthrough in his Divine Smithing Cultivation Technique.

Today, he went out of his workshop room and was currently dining and wining with Chun Churan.

"What kind of artifacts did you make this time?" She asked while chewing a piece of deer meat.

"Two Umbrellas; one for me and one for you," Joey replied.

"I believe the competition will soon commence in a few days. Are you ready?"

"Sure! I have another massive breakthrough in my Smelting Cultivation base." Joey responded.

When they were chit-chatting about various daily affairs and the changing in the powers in all the three Continents of the world, the space ring on Joey's finger hummed and a Golden Medallion came out from it and hovered in the air. This was his ticket for this season's World Open Martial Arts Meet.