Waomi City

As they continued engaging in a melee fight, the Fieyi Snake, which had already developed a certain level of intelligence, understood that it was losing its ground gradually. So it hissed with a high frequency, spreading its head like a cobra, and spat a thick greenish mist out of its mouth.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

"It's a lethal poison. Fall back!" Chun Churan shouted in fright.

But Joey didn't heed her words even if he couldn't use the Corrupt Heart Root because of his promise. The fact was that after the miniature tan statue of him had a black lotus in his heart, his body had already developed into a seamless 10 heavenly Poison body. So, even if those poisons were within the top thousand list of the Heaven Poison Ranking, they would hardly be lethal in his body.

Seeing that the human was still standing while breathing in its highly poisonous mist, the Fieyi snake glinted its eyes and dashed toward Joey.