Welcome to the city of Xers.
And I got the message.
May I have completed the 2 quest.
OK cool and what is the 3 quest?
And just as Suzu was about to give his answer, another system message came.
And I've gone up a level.
Ok and what is the 3 quest?
Let me have a look.
Suzu click on the new quest and a window opens where it says.
Collect 7 Zoku mushrooms and bring them to Heinz.
Who is Heinz?
And what is this quest? Mai asks.
I have to collect seven zuko mushrooms.
What seven zuko mushrooms is the quest?
Yes, that's the quest. Are they rare or not?
No, they're not that rare, but they are. They can only be found behind Xers, and there's...
what is behind Xers?
There is the realm of monsters.
The realm of monsters?
Suzu makes a really stupid face because he has no idea where he is talking about.
Eh, is that bad?
No, the monster kingdom is really nice. You can have as much cake as you want.
Which is really cool.
Suzu's eyes start to light up.
No, of course not!
Mai got mad all of a sudden.
Okay then, let's set off for the monster kingdom.
Suzu is happy and excited, but Mai doesn't look so happy.
Mai, why are you angry?
Because it's not an easy task and you're acting like everything is easy.
What's so bad about the monster kingdom?
There are monsters that don't exist here and they are very strong.
How strong are the monsters you're talking about?
The monsters I'm talking about are level 60 and up.
W-what 60 and higher but I can't defeat them yet, can I?
Well with a lot of luck it is possible but actually no you can't.
Mai crosses her arms.
And what should we do now Mai?
I don't know.
What do you mean I don't know?
Yes I have hallt no plan Maybe we level first?