Chapter 24

Yes leveln sounds good which level must be the?

Mmmh so level 20 would maybe just enough but if not higher.

OK then it's first want to level, right?

Yes exactly now is leveled.

Mai flies in front of Suzu's face and smiles and nods her head.

Ok then let's go.

Yells and Mauzi runs off.

Aaaa mauzi not so fast.

Summary of how the leveling went.

Suzu and Mai went back to the swamp and forest, where Suzu fought Wolfe and Giant Crocodiles, leveling up one by one. They also discovered a hidden dungeon.

The boss in the dungeon was a giant zombie. The small undead Beschwort and itself has a huge axe.

Then they cleared a goblin village. And had an epic drop from the box that got after the zombi.

It is an armor for Suzu.

For Mai there was also a little cute dress.

Mauzi also got some meat and everyone was happy but Suzu was only level 19.

so she had to get a few more levels.

Hey mai says Suzu and asks how many levels do you think the boss I died on gave the giant statue?

Mmm I don't know maybe five but it could be more.


Suzu takes a thoughtful attitude.

Hey Suzu, what are you thinking about?

Mmmhh I'm thinking that maybe now I can defeat the statue.

What you want to defeat it.

Yes, I do.


Well, because it gives a lot of levels, doesn't it?

Yeah, but...

But what?

Well, you got your ass kicked last time and you're only a few levels higher now, so I don't think that's gonna make a difference.

What, you don't trust me?

Yes, but you were defeated so easily last time.

No I had him almost only 2 circles have sucked.

Yes, but that was only the first form. There are two more.

How did you know that? You said you didn't know anything about this boss.

Yes I said that but while you were leveling I was looking at his system.

Ok and that means I have to kill wolves and crocodiles again, right?

Yup exactly.

Mai laughs for some reason.