
Myself, Himself & His Comrades

I come here once again.

To the place that I should have avoided.

But I have to come here. There was no other choice and now is the right time.


I passed through the corridors of my new school. An international standard school in a city on the same island as the city that is planned to be the new capital city of my country. The island of Borneo.

My new school is a boarding school. The place where the chosen ones send their children. The enrollment fee to the school is almost as pricey as a new Japanese car. Not to mention the monthly tuition fee. If I told you, you would catch your breath and squeak, "How much do those people get paid in a month to be able to send their children to your school?!" Well, my dear, the ones who are clearly able to send their children here, are those who have been blessed with endless opportunities by the gods and the goddesses, cursed to be rich or... at least they had a stroke of luck, just like me.

You must think that my parents are wealthy enough to be able to send me to this school. Don't make me flatter just yet. In fact, I'm just a student who is granted a scholarship to attend this so called high-class school.

I continued my walk down the corridors. A message that I received on my cell phone earlier stated that I had to go to the Principal's office first. I looked around for any clues to find where the Principal's office is. Actually, just to ensure if the location of his office has changed from the one I've been to before. Apparently not.

Oh yeah, have I told you that I had been to this place before? When? I'll let you know later. Stay with me.


The Principal's office is located on the 2nd floor on the right wing of the school. My new school is a U-shape building. The Principal's Office is a room surrounded by glass that was probably built to help the Principal supervise the classes in front of his office. Very unlucky for those who join those classes.

Through the transparent glass, I could see from where I stand now that there is a boy standing in front of a desk where a middle-aged woman, who must be the Principal sits behind. The boy seems to be explaining something. The Principal is seen listening to him while occasionally reading and checking the documents on her desk.

I do remember him, his name is Aiden Garibaldi Voerman.He has a mixed heritage, with Indonesian and Dutch ancestry.

The most handsome boy in school. Well, this is not just my opinion, you can check the crowds.

This guy can conquer the hearts of most girls with his shady and warm eyes. Often an expression of arrogance is shown on his face. The characteristics of a noble boy who is once again cursed to be rich by the Rulers of the Universe. His nose is sharp and his eyebrows are thick. I'm crazy for his smile. Which often looks tilted and cynical. But there lies his charm.

He is my first mission. Conquering him means making it easier for me to carry out all my future plans.


I went to the school admin. Her desk is in front of the principal's office. She asked me to wait.

I sat on the gray sofa and wait. I took my cell phone out, decided to browse some interesting stuffs while waiting. A chuckle caught my attention. Looks like the school admin was already standing in front of me. A woman in her mid-30s, wearing a beige blazer combined with a matching colored pencil skirt, with her hair pulled back and large glasses perched on her nose.

"During the school hours, please don't use your cell phone." she said firmly.

I smiled, "Sorry, miss. I didn't know yet." I explained while putting my cell phone back in my bag.

Considering me for not arguing her, she melted too. Smiling, she ushered me to the principal's office.

I got up and opened the door.

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

The principal raised her face and smiled kindly. She asked me to sit down. I sat down and looked around. This room more or less hasn't changed.

The handsome boy seems to collect his papers on the desk.

"Welcome to Kahayan Borneo International School. We are very happy to welcome an outstanding student like you, Fiona Ayshara Mardha."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the boy turning his gaze towards me.

"Thank you, ma'am." I answered politely.

Ms. Inge Purnama Sari. I used to know her as a 10th grade Social Studies teacher. Apparently, she replaced the previous Principal of Kahayan Borneo International School, Mr Ikbar Tanjung.

Ms Inge was also my homeroom teacher. She is a firm and kind teacher. I often talked to her. I was pretty close to her. Formerly. When I was in the 10th grade.

If Ms Inge didn't recognize me, it means I'm safe.

Ms Inge explained about all the important information about the school, including the school rules, which in my experience, are often violated.

"Sorry for the interruption. I need to go now, ma'am. I have a class."

A voice stopped Ms Inge's words and distracted me.

The handsome guy was already standing next to my chair.

"Oh my gosh. I forgot you were here. Sure, Aiden, you may go back to your class. Please get back to me after you and your team revise the proposal."

Aiden nodded. Before turning around and walking out, he winked and smiled at me. It's not me who's flattered. He really did.

I haven't had time to say hello yet.

After Ms Inge finished her explanation, she asked me to take the class schedule from the school admin.


I walked to the classroom as instructed by the school admin. My class is located on the third floor.

I looked around for a moment before entering the classroom. I found my handsome boy standing and laughing merrily with his comrades in front of a class.

I still remember who they are.

The sporty, Dzaky Rayyan Malik. A school basketball star.

The funny one, Zachary Arkana Tjokro. He is a guitarist in the school band.

The calm one, Sean Kafka Adhyaksa. A writer. He is the best script writer at a school Film Festival in his first year.

They are popular boys who are KBIS mainstay stars. The gods must have loved them very much. Not only they are blessed with handsome faces and perfect bodies, they are talented.

Well... at least, that's what I thought. Long ago. Before I knew them. Yes, before I knew them, not before they knew me, of course. Because I think they must not know me. Who am I? Only a little bread crumbs that were left on the table, just waiting to be cleaned up and thrown to the trash bin because it was just dirts.

On purpose, I tried to get their attention. I walked over to the locker very close to where they are standing.

I pretended to search for my locker while complaining desperately.

One two....

Only the second count, Aiden stood next to me.

"We met in Ms Inge's room, didn't we?" he greeted me.

I just nodded. Bewitched for a moment by his handsome face.

"You know, I'm Aiden Garibaldi Voerman, just call me Aiden." he said, outstretched his hands.

Already knoooooooowwwwwww.... I screamed in my heart silently.

I welcomed his outstretched hand, "Fiona Ayshara Mardha. Just call me Aysha."

"What a pretty name. It suits you."

"Thank you." I said, blushing. What I'm surprised about, I can't help but blushed when I heard his compliments... his crap to be more precise. Because I know he's a sweet talker.

He asked me to show him my locker number. He then ushered me to my locker. I smiled as I thanked him. He gave me a thumb up before leaving me and returning to his friends.

I pretended to be busy with my locker when I heard Rayyan said, "New prey, bro!" followed by laughters from his friends.

I could hear Aiden's response, "Sorry, man. It's past time. Tasha's here."

"Lame." Zach scoffed.

I frowned, 'Tasha?!'
