

I didn't pay much attention to the lesson. With my bright brain, I just have to read some resources to understand today's lesson.

I was forcing my long term memory out, trying to remember if there was a student named Tasha in my class.

It's recess time.

Several students approached me, asking me to go to the cafeteria. I politely refused. I said that I wanted to go to the library to borrow some books to help me catching up the lessons here.

I wanted to find out who is Tasha they were referring to. If I'm not mistaken, it could be Natasha Karina Emir. A petite oriental girl who is good at painting. I remember her as a mature and calm girl. She treated me well long before. She was also the one who helped me, lending me her stationery. Yes ... I kept loosing my stationery from my desk. Maybe it's just because I'm forgetful.

Tasha has a friend, named Ariadne Nadya Quintanilla, commonly called Quinn. I can understand why they chose to be best friends. It must be nice to have friends who have different personalities, like you can understand things from a different perspective.

They both have very different personalities. Quinn is cheerful and friendly. She is very good at dancing. Maybe she's on the cheerleader team now. Quinn is a sexy girl, with full lips and sharp eyes. She could make most boys turn their attention to her when she passed in front of them.

They used to spend recess time on the school fields.

If my guess is correct, then by crossing the sky-walk, a bridge that connecting the right and left wings of the school building, I can see them on the school fields.

My hypothesis is correct.

I stood on the sky-walk and looked out at the school football field. There they are. Two beautiful girls are chatting while laughing on the school field.


I rolled my eyes. On the cement steps at the edge of the field, my handsome boy was chatting with his two friends, Zach and Kafka.

Aiden seemed to be laughing. Definitely listening to Zach's jokes. Kafka just smiled.

From where I stood, I could see Tasha and Quinn approaching them. Tasha reached out Aiden who immediately greeted her. Aiden stood up and whispered something to Tasha. He put his left hand on Tasha's shoulder. They seemed to wave to their friends, then walked away from the field.

I could see Quinn sitting on Zach's lap. Zach put his arm around Quinn's waist. They seemed to kiss passionately. Hmmm.. Counseling and Guidance teacher or school securities seems not too strict to pay attention to the action of Public Display Affection these days. Or they just got lucky.

Kafka turned his gaze to the field. He seemed to be looking for something . . . or someone.

But I can't wait to see what happens next. I have to find my handsome boy.

I walked down the stairs to the second floor to the cafeteria.

The school cafeteria takes the concept of open space with natural lighting from the sun. Consists of indoor and outdoor rooms.

The service table is located in a corner of the indoor room. The students were queuing up to take their lunch.

Rectangular tables are neatly arranged in the room complete with chairs around them.

Outside, I could see round tables surrounded by a few chairs.

I've always been reluctant to spend time in the cafeteria just yet. Too noisy in my opinion. Yes, because all the students gathered with their close friends.

Suddenly, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Aysha, right?" Who is this girl that holding my arm now?

I noticed her. I know her. Athaya Alvira Shafwa. Vira. A sweet girl from our neighboring country. From the start she was good. She also greeted me on the first day of school long time ago.

"Let's get our lunch, come on." Without asking for my approval, Vira pulled me to the service table. She took a tray and scooped out the dish she wanted. I froze for a moment before following her action.

Vira invited me to sit in the outdoor cafeteria. I went along like a cattle followed her shepherd.

"Where do you come from?" she asked after we sat down.


"Oh yeah? It's too far from here."

I just nodded.

"We haven't met yet." She stretched out her hand, "I am Vira. Athaya Alvira Shafwa." once again she flashed her beautiful smile at me.

I took her hand and said my name.

"We're classmates." she said as she took a bite of her food.

"Sorry, I must be jetlagged. I'm having a hard time memorizing places at school and I've met a lot of new people."

Vira smiled, "I understand."

We continued eating.

Vira told me that she was going to the cafeteria with her friends. But they just disappeared during recess. So she's all alone. She said that she liked meeting me so there was someone to chat with over lunch.

As I recall, Vira was friends with Tasha and Quinn. They also have another close friend. Keisha Aurelia Syahira, her nickname is Aurel.

Aurel is a tall and sexy girl. If you pay attention to the reliefs of the Borobudur Temple, you will find what the body of a Goddess looks like. That's what Aurel is like. Aurel is a cheeky girl. Tends to be blunt. But she is a very open book and always expresses her thoughts and feelings. You will be surprised when you get to know her at first. However, it will turn into admiring her honesty over time.

I was just about to ask about Vira's friends when she suddenly stood up and waved.

"Aurel! Sit here." She shouted for Aurel.

Aurel stepped closer to our table. She walked while twirling her hair.

"Where are you from? How come I was left behind? I'm looking for Tasha and Quinn, but I could find them either." Vira bombed Aurel with questions when Aurel had just sat down.

Aurel smirked, "Lunch date, of course." she said mockingly, "I accompanied Rayyan to basketball practice."

Vira pouted. "Oh, that means Tasha and Quinn also left quickly to meet Aiden and Zach, huh? Huh... you guys."

"Yes, yes. We'll taking advantage of the break time, Ra. Why don't you meet Kafka? Last night, you said you missed him."

Vira was silent.

"Still mad at him?" Aurel asked again.

Vira nodded.

"All right."

"But it's my principle, Rel."

Aurel sighed, "Gosh, Raaaa... He's just asking you to share your nude pics. What's so hard about sending those pictures to your boyfriend. You're not doing it for sale, right?"

I involuntarily squealed.

Aurel seemed to notice my shocking response.

"Oh, hi." She greeted me. "You're the new transfer, right?" she asked. "I'm Aurel."

I forced myself to smile, trying to overcome my shock.

"Where do you come from?"

"Jakarta." Vira answered.

"Well... ask this new girl from Jakarta. Things like this are common."


"What if it's spread out?"

"Tell them it's not you. Come on Vira, don't act like a baby."

Aurel got up. "I want to go to Rayyan's room first. I have free period after lunch. Gonna have some fun now." she said with a wink.

After Aurel left, Vira looked at me, "Seriously. Do you agree with what Aurel just said?"

"Everyone can have different principles. huh.."

"Not for me, Aysha. If I want to stay in this gang, I have to follow their way.
